
Friday, July 17, 2020

Feds Using Unmarked Vehicles To Grab Protesters Off Portland Streets

Federal law enforcement officers have been using unmarked vehicles to drive around downtown Portland and detain protesters since at least July 14. Personal accounts and multiple videos posted online show the officers driving up to people, detaining individuals with no explanation of why they are being arrested, and driving off.

The tactic appears to be another escalation in federal force deployed on Portland city streets, as federal officials and President Donald Trump have said they plan to “quell” nightly protests outside the federal courthouse and Multnomah County Justice Center that have lasted for more than six weeks.


  1. If we can get a few volunteers, I have a white cargo van and we can go help. Don't think we can take them to prison though. Cancun?

    1. La Brea tar pits in Los Angeles or the Louisiana bayous.
      Down in the swampland anything goes,
      its alligator bait and the bars don't close.

    2. Nearest helipad. They get a short ride over the ocean.

  2. I'm the last person to think the govt snatching people off the streets is ok, but in this case I hope the entitled little snowflakes get what they got coming.

    How many feds does it take to push a snowflake down a flight of stairs?

    None. The little bastard fell all by himself.

  3. This is good tactics. Put the fear of detention into the scum, detention which is going to come from nowhere, enforced by some anonymous 'hard men'.
    Then "disappear" the rioters to some remote spot in northern Montana, no phones, no net, just hard work to survive.
    They want North Korea? Now they've got it!

    1. What did northern Montana ever do to deserve that?

  4. I don't actually believe it. The accusations sound too much like the like some ones fantasy. Besides that is a huge escalation if it is true.
    If your going to do a snack and grab on the street why let him go as soon as he asks for a lawyer?

    If you already snagged them you have already gone past the law you may as well hold them.

    Unless they are looking for someone specific.


    1. Unless the ones you're snagging are on the payroll already....

      ....naahhh, no organization of this glorious empire would use informants, infiltrators or provocateurs to further it's aims.

      Just ask Randy Weaver, the KKK, the Symbionese Liberation, or any "White Supremist" organization.

  5. Sowing fear among the shitstorm crowd = good. Even those released will be looked at skeptically as having "turned"

  6. You have to admire the idiocy of the writer in the lead paragraph: "...after a night spent protesting..." We didn do nothin. We wasn' even there.

  7. Hoping they are targeting the leaders and not just snatching up low-level perps just to be snatching low-level perps.

    Not that the latter is bad. Just prefer a more focused use of my tax dollars!

    1. Its called making bait. Catch the bait then hang him on the hook. See what shakes out.
      In this case, add it to the file. Call it preparing the battlefield.

  8. Target the shot callers and disappear them!
    Chutes Magoo

  9. If you snatch the instigators, then chances are a new one may run in to take their place. However, if you also grab a few random POS and terrorize the beejeepers out of them and let those ones go - a significantly higher level of finding out who and where they are.
    Kind of like catching one rat at the farm and painting it white before setting it free. It runs back to the rest immediately - and the screaming from it as the other rats kill it can be easily heard (the other rats will often believe the white coloured rat is now a weasel.)

  10. Personally I think a couple overwatch positions in different parts of the city manned but the right guys and all this goes away in 5 days max.

  11. Too, by catch and release, it results in a two fold terror and mistrust. One, puts the fear in the perp and the organization. Two, the organization doesn't trust him anymore.

    Third, now that he's shunned by the org, maybe he'll start talking. And make it known he is talking so to see who comes gunning for him. He's perishable at that point, its a win whether he talks or if he's gunned down.

    It's KGB tactics.

  12. They wanna play communist, okay let's play communist. We'll be the KGB, you can be the dissenter.

  13. Just wait and see the tactics that are going to be used after Trump is re-elected. This snatch and grab is going to look like a lawn party.

    Normally I would NOT condone such action by any law enforcement agency, at any level. However, when "protesting" becomes looting, fire bombing, and generally putting innocent citizens at risk of death or maiming, governments need to take extraordinary measures to keep citizens safe from the mob.

    These actions should have taken place on night two in Portland and a lot of other cities. Snatch people, get'em to give up the leaders. Rendition those people and keep snatching people until you get to the money, all the way to Sore ass.

    None of these organizations run without money and lots of it.


  14. Why let them loose ( on the ground), just take them on a one way helicopter ride.

  15. About time, you ask me. Butthurt because they aren't playing by the rules of a sympathetic precinct under an allied mayor? Rules? Feds got different rules; we're under Emergency Powers, boy-child. There may be a....slight delay... before you get your phone call to the Soros-funded lawyer with the bail wad. Aww.....But - in the meantime - here's Morris, your holding cell mate. He looks intimidating, because he's a 300 lb hairy biker. But, aside from his record and the presently missing body parts that he's here for, I'm told he's quite tender and gentle.

    Lights Out!

  16. this is not good the federal government is not supposed to have police Powers let alone on the local level unfortunately this is a state and city issue if the state and city do not want to enforce their own laws and then put up a fence and let it become a cesspool

    1. Bullshit, federal property belongs to us the tax payers of this country.
      If a shitturd mayor or governor surrenders his city it's his and the poor saps living there's business but we the people have an overriding interest in the Federal Court House along with other properties that is not his to surrender.

  17. The video I saw showed two guys in what appeared to be ARNG camo and gear exiting a "soccer mom" van, walk up to an antifa-looking male who showed no apparent fear and was not cuffed by the "soldiers" and meekly accompanied them to the van where they boarded, closed the door and took off. It looked bogus as fuck to me and appeared to be an asset recovery rather than a detention. Someone was picking up their joe.

    1. Looked like a setup to me, too. I saw the same video. They had Police on their vests and a patch on their left arm, but I couldn't make it out.

      Since when does a cop not cuff someone "for their own safety"?

  18. As far as I can see, this appears to be staged. This was far too convenient, far too peaceful. I would estimate if it truly was the Feds, they would wait until the POS was on his was back to his parents' basement, and they would grab him then. No witnesses, no drama and only about fifteen seconds from start to the time the vehicle is long gone.
    Just my observation.

    1. If it were staged, then why would they stage it to be unconvincing?

  19. I hope this is true. I've been wondering when saving civilization might become important.

  20. We haven't played cowboys and protesters yet....

  21. As reported, this just sounds too over the top to be believed. I’m not saying it isn’t possible, just the way it’s described does not lend it much credibility.

    That said, it is horrible from a 4th amendment perspective and brilliant from a tactical perspective. It avoids a large show of force, Has the potential to remove instigators, it sews confusion, and forces ‘organizers’ to spend more time thinking of personal protection and less time thinking about ‘organizing.’

    Of course, who watches the watchmen? If unchecked you end up with the gestapo, the KGB, and Miniluv.

    Anyone cheering for the elimination of the police either has no clue what will fill the void, or does have a clue but expects to be in control of it.

  22. DHS rents a couple of vans and snatches punks off the street and I'm supposed to care?

  23. Snatching people in unmarked cars seems all fine and dandy now, but these are also the same tactics the CCP uses against it's own people. Eventually, this precedent will be turned on us when we protest something.


  24. Look at it this way - practice for when they come for you. If you are on their list they will snatch you off the street then search your home, take what they want and you are no longer able to take care of your self so off to the camp you go.

    By one means or another the bad guys always telegraph their actions and just because think you are on the "good" side of the law you will not be able to resist. Maybe they will grab your spouse or children just to soften you up. I hate these terrorists who are tearing up our country but now I know how the govt is going to come for me.

  25. What a topsy turvy world we've permitted to emerge, by not stopping the long march through the institutions. Now here I find myself, cheering for the same federal overreach I've been cautioning folks about most of my adult life.

    1. Just remember, when the British troops first showed up in Northern Ireland, the Catholics welcomed them.


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