
Tuesday, July 28, 2020

Good Morning


  1. Uh, that sure looks cute...Reminded me of the time my Spaniel puppy chewed through a seat belt in no time flat. Luckily it was the passenger side so I could still legally drive the vehicle. Cost me plenty to get fixed.

  2. we've got a rescue dog. He's missing teeth and the ones he has are very flat(vet says he likely eroded his teeth trying to chew his way out of a metal cage). He can chew through a fabric leash or strap in almost no time.

  3. That little critter is so happy to have something to chew on. My big beast used to look just like that.

  4. The pup will keep chewing on stuff for about another 3 years.

  5. Yes indeed. Those puppy teeth are razor sharp and will saw through that belt in minutes. I was sitting at my computer once and the mouse died in my hands. When I pulled up the cord to check the plug it was cut neatly and a little golden furball just grinning at my feet.


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