
Wednesday, July 08, 2020

"Honey, the basement's full of water again"


  1. Yep. That's a Marterpiece…


  2. Kinda cool but... what exactly is a "Marterpiece"? Personally I hate making memes with typos.

    1. A meme about an Indian temple using Indian numerology (2,00,000 = "2 lakh"), so I'd guess that English is likely the 2nd or 3rd language of the person who made the meme, so spelling errors or plain old differences to American English are to be expected.

      Indian English is different, after all -- Please to do the needful, and all that ;-)

  3. Replies
    1. That's how they do number commas in India. They don't really do millions and billions, but rather do this:

      1,00,000 = 1 lakh
      1,00,00,000 = 1 crore

      We say the population of India is 1.3 billion. They say it's 130 crore.

  4. MartinFromGermanyJuly 8, 2020 at 9:51 AM

    Some centuries before the construction of this temple, some thousands of miles away, the Abyssinians constructed at Lalibela quite a few rock churches for the Christian Orthodox Church of Abyssinia. Interesting how ideas migrate over huge distances and result in similar projects.


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