
Monday, July 13, 2020

Judge reins Kentucky governor up short

FRANKFORT, Ky. - A Kentucky circuit court judge has issued a temporary restraining order against future executive orders related to the COVID-19 crisis.


  1. As of last reports this does not cover Lil Andy's mask mandate. The AG has asked the same judge to rule on that. But Lil Andy worked his mask mandate differently. The previous flu measures had all been executive orders. The judge's ruling did put a stay on executive orders. The mask mandate was issued as an administrative regulation. Different legal framework and controlling legislation.

    There has been a lot of push back on this mask mandate. I have heard quite a few people say they will not mask up. Some businesses are not enforcing it. I have heard at least two sheriffs have said they will not enforce it since it is not a law passed by the legislature. I suspect it will be the city police departments and the KSP that enforce it if any LEOs do. The KSP is the gestapo group that went around taking pictures and issuing citations to people going to Church on Easter. The regulation specified that the local health departments would enforce the mandate on businesses and local LEOs would enforce it on citizens. The mandate did specify fines.

  2. It is about time, Now, if the courts would do that here in Oregon.


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