
Friday, July 31, 2020

NYPD To AOC, MSNBC’s Hayes: This Is *Not* A Kidnapping — It’s An Arrest

Wouldn’t the first clue have been all of the uniformed police that responded to protect the arrest? A warrant squad arrested a woman on the streets of New York City yesterday, hauling her into an unmarked van. The video of the arrest went viral yesterday, leading MSNBC host Chris Hayes to call it a “kidnapping” (via Townhall’s Leah Barkoukis):


  1. Cars are unmarked so that AOC's thugs won't attack the police.
    How 'bout marking AOC's car as NYPD?

  2. I think that unmarked vehicles don't attract Molotov Cocktails and other infernal devices. It's unfortunate that serial killers also use unmarked vans but depending on who they pick up ...

  3. Anyone who believes anything that MSNBC has to say is an idiot. They are not just “fake news,” they are malicious fake news.

  4. They sure are malicious fake news. I'd say they border on sedition and should be shut down. I'm all for the 1st Amendment, but it's still illegal to yell "FIRE" in a crowded hall and that's what MsNBC and CNN do daily.

    1. Maybe they all should be lined up against a wall and have someone else yell "Fire!".

  5. An "arrest" that "looks" like a kidnapping... I would term that a kidnapping under color of law. Even if they have a bona fide reason for using unmarked vehicles, the police have no valid excuse for not being in clearly marked uniforms, and for failing to cover their own asses by stating loudly and clearly, (for the benefit of passersby and videographers), that the person is under arrest, the name of their law enforcement agency, and the charge or reason for arrest. Doing things the right way costs them nothing and saves everyone a lot of trouble.


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