
Friday, July 31, 2020

One Marine dead, eight missing in training accident

At least one US Marine is dead and eight others are missing after a training accident involving an amphibious vehicle off the coast of Southern California.

Search and rescue efforts are still underway Friday morning for the eight missing individuals with support from the Navy and Coast Guard.


  1. I rode amtracs off the back of an LSD into 60 feet of water back in the 60s. It's fucking scary.

    1. Sometimes they pop back up, sometimes they don’t.

    2. As a former Marine and amtrac crewman there were several reasons they would sink. There are 4 drain plugs in the bottom, if the bilge pumps are working right they can keep up with the water coming in if 2 plugs not installed, if the plenums were not closed then it will sink when launched from a ship or very rough seas. Bogs we used to put a few coins in the cargo hatches seals to scare to hell out of the 03 bullet stoppers in back. It would happen once in a great while, the sinking, sorry for the loss of Marines!!!! Grayman

  2. May God rest their souls and comfort the families. Semper Fi.

  3. Those antiquated APCs need to be scrapped. If they fail and flip over, there is no getting out of them; they are literal death traps.

    Permanent libo has been acquired, rest in peace.

    - Arc

  4. I used to hear Marines joke about taking them down to periscope depth. I viewed them with the same degree of dread other Marines had for the CH-46.


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