
Tuesday, July 28, 2020

Self-defense under a justice system that's no longer on your side

For anyone who believes in the rule of law, events over the past few months have been a horrifying eye-opener. It's now very clear that in parts of our country, the rule of law no longer applies - or does so selectively, depending on your political views and/or the color of your skin. A few recent examples:


  1. (I) see no shame in hauling ass out of a situation or avoiding it totaly only to return on my terms, my way by my rules.

  2. Lemme check with the rooftop Koreans

  3. "Rowdy Teenagers". Riiiiigghhtt…


  4. I've been saying for a while now, there's going to come a point in time when LE is going to have to decide who's side they are on. And I think that time will come on or before November 3rd.

  5. I can think of few better ways for the Democrat 'Activist' prosecutors and Mayors to make it clear that they want us dead. And given the current rules of engagement, what possible downside for them could there be to attack those who are not their fellow travelers?

    It is almost as if they cannot see that they are making it impossible for Joe and Jane Normal to survive. And when Joe is not allowed to make sure Jane and Joe Jr. can make it, Joe will not react peacefully.


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