
Tuesday, July 07, 2020

Shorter of breath and one day closer to death

Yeah, it's my birfday again. Already. My oh my, where does the time go?

Man, last year was an asskicker. First the best dog I've ever had died on me, then we got hit with expense after expense, well over 10,000 bucks worth.
First it was a copyright infringement deal, then the fuel pump on the truck, then the AC on the house, then the transmission on the truck a week later, then Lisa's son passing away a couple months after that.
But it was all dealt with. We made it, although a little frazzled and gun-shy. It could've been worse - at least our health hasn't suffered any more than normal. I am thankful for that.

I'd like to think this coming year will be better, but I ain't counting on it.
Our Nation is in an uproar and I don't see it getting anything but worse, especially the closer we get to the presidential election. With the coup from the Left and the MSM these past 4-5 months between the coronavirus scare and this racial bullshit going on, I'm beginning to have my doubts that Trump will be re-elected, but if he does, watch out - this country is going to burn. There's going to be widespread rioting in all the cities. If he doesn't get re-elected, the Left will push their agenda even harder and the war on our Rights will be over and it'll be open season (literally) on Conservatives in general and White folks in particular.
I've been advising folks for quite some time now to buy an AR or two and plenty of ammo. I hope y'all paid attention. Completed ARs now are running twice as much as they were 6 months ago and if you're building one, good luck on finding parts, especially uppers, at a reasonable price - and that's if you can find them at all. They're out there but they're harder to find and your choices are kinda limited.
Ammo..... Holy shit. Six months ago 5.56x45 was running right around 21 cents a round all day long. I just now checked for prices and it's at 48 cents per round on the low end. BassPro has it for 40 cents a round with high shipping costs and potential shipping delays which seems to be the norm for both ammo and gun parts any more.

All this is a good thing if you've already got yours - it means more and more people are arming up. Unfortunately it also means we're getting closer to a flashpoint, something I never thought or wanted to see happen in my lifetime.

Stay strong, my friends.


  1. Went to the gunshop today just to kill some time. Closed. Not open til noon. No supplies. Its coming...oh...and have nice birthday and a couple tall boys to celebrate!

  2. Happy Birthday. Thanks for being there with what you do on your website. hang tough. For years I thought that going into the Army back in '72 was a dumb move. nowadays i'm thinking it was a brilliant decision. Reading your stuff, the comments help me understand now that I'm not some kind of pariah. Its good to know there are others like me. Thanks again. - Woody


  4. Happy Birthday, Kenny!

  5. Dear wirecutter, Happy Birthday!! I know you have some tough times lately (e.g. Charlie). All I can do is wish that you have a Blessed and Happy Birthway.
    Take care and best wishes.

  6. Happy Birthday Kenny. The craziness hasn't quite reached our small town yet but I have no doubt you are correct about the riots, particularly if DJT does manage to win a 2nd term.

  7. Have faith in the Lord and keep your powder dry

  8. Happy Birthday, Ken! Hope you have many more.

    Based on your advice and many similar voices I have been stocking precious metals, particularly lead.

    Ever notice that the vast majority of BLM protestors are white? I wonder why... don’t believe the biased polls (Hillary is still fuming).

  9. I hear ya, WC. I quit watching the "news" because it is one bad story after another which the MSM just loves. I have doubts about Trump as well. If he would just stop saying so much bullshit on Twitter it would help his cause. Regardless, there is no fucking way I would vote for Biden or not vote at all. That's what the Dem's want, for all of us to just stay home and not vote. Fuck 'em.

  10. Bear Creek Arsenal has some uppers, I've bought a few and they seem ok.

  11. Happy birthday young man! Hope you clock many more. Even after the rough year you and many others have had, it is so true that you can always look around and say it could be worse. That has broken up some pity parties for me. I agree with you, the coming year could be a bad one. It sure hasn't started off well.

    lil jack

  13. Well, Happy B'Day to you!

    The fact that someone made it through another year is actually one of the few bits of "Good News" I've seen in the last several days.

  14. Happy Birthday wirecutter from Alex Lund.
    May the next year be better than the last.

  15. We love you, Ken! Happy Birthday to you!
    All my best to you and Lisa. I hope her heart is mending.

  16. Today I read reloaders are having hard time finding primers.

  17. And surprise, surprise, surprise. A gun shop on SoCal says they are well stocked, maybe over stocked, on 9mm.

  18. Have a great day, this rememberance of another solar circuit

    Tam is going on about some other shortages that are not so obvious

  19. I liked the Pink Floyd reference. Remember, that song is about a guy who wasted his life, don't be that guy, make sure that you keep living it to the full.

  20. Kenny,
    Happy Birthday my friend. May you be blessed to spite the hard year Ms. Lisa and yourself have had. You're in my prayers, and in my family's heart. We may be trapped in NY, but our hearts are in the hills around you.


  21. Cheers.

    Have a beer for me.

    Happy birthday.

  22. Happy Birthday Kenny.

    Ersatz Naugahyde

  23. Happy Birthday!

  24. Happy Birthday Ken. Life seems to get tougher the older we get. Last year was tough, the rest of this year will be the same. Who knows about next year. God Bless you and Lisa.


  25. Happy Birthday, and many more.


  26. Happy Birthday! I bought a scope and mount for my FAL and was looking forward to zeroing it, but got some freak ass eye infection in my shooting eyeball, and am wearing a patch for a week or so -- Arrrrrrggg! Postpone the festivities until I can aim, please.

    What most folks are failing to realize is...
    We're going to war either way.
    Whether Trump is re-elected or the commies
    take the WH...reason being, the obvious first.
    If Trump wins, they'll go nuts, as stated and expected.
    On the other hand, if biden and/or the marxists take
    the white house, they'll become emboldened.
    Which will kick off their tyranny full tilt.
    Face it, we're going to war either way.
    OBTW - Check out the video link added with this comment

  28. Happy Birthday, thank you for the daily reading material.

  29. Happy birthday neighbor! Drop me a line if you need anything. I'll do what I can.

  30. Happy Birthday Kenny! I hope you have a great day.

  31. Happy fucking birthday Wirecutter
    Yea the first 6 months have been the shits
    I believe it's going to be hell after the election no matter who wins
    My money and vote is on Trump for the win
    Again Happy birthday

  32. Glad you made another circle.Take care.

  33. Happy Birthday, er, old man - and many more - do count your blessings of a good wife, a quiet place in the eastern hills countryside with decent neighbors and a good dog or two....I have enjoyed reading your day to day adjustments and comments on the passing scene and your days in the military and California. Sounds like you got out in time and are doing OK...your North Carolina neighbor - redclay7

  34. Happy Birthday Kenny. I know what you mean about those "unanticipated expenses". Wife's daughter is visiting and wouldn't you know she's in severe pain needing TWO root canals. Supposedly has dental insurance but didn't have the card with her, and it's "inactive" although they say it really isn't (?) Anyway, damages to me about $1,000 I'll never see again. But I love her so WTF!
    She's 35. Kids never grow up.

  35. Happy Birthday Kenny!! You done caught up to me! 62 in Nov.

  36. Happy Birthday!!
    I'll drink the one good beer I have left in toast to you.

  37. Happy birthday Kenny. I share your pessimism about the coming year for the same reasons, but hope things will turn out better.

  38. Hey Kenny just told my wife it's your birthday and she wanted me to be sure to let you know that you share a birthday with Ringo Starr. But he's 80 today, so take a deep breath, pop the top on a cool one, and relax!

  39. Best wishes...and thanks for all you do.

    BTW, anyone heard from Ol' Remus at the Woodpile Report?

    He hasn't posted now in 3 weeks...hope he's OK. Joe Tentpeg

  40. Happy Birthday old man! Here's to many more.

  41. Happy Birthday Kenny! Wishing you many more.

    - WylieMike

  42. Happy Birthday old fella.

    It's mine tomorrow, and I am old bastard too ;-)


  43. Sometimes life can be like driving a British car, loosing pieces and parts as you drive down the highway. Just make sure get r back in the garage at the end of the day.
    Have a great birthday !!!

  44. HB Kenny - this last year - send it back! Like 5:35 above trusting Remus is just laying low. Appreciate all you do - maintaining lines of communication and keeping morale up are key leadership components. Looking ahead - just something to consider. Sheriffs are elected and they / their departments trend conservative nationwide. Police chiefs are appointed - it's been my experience that their departments trend "non-conservative." When STHF the rapport you've developed with the local sheriffs will probably be more valuable than being tight with the police. Just saying - and your experience may vary. November is going to be a mother either way . . .

  45. Happy Birthday Kenny. Here is something I ran across about the woodpile report:

  46. Damn, you got a bunch of friends.
    Can we all come over for dinner?

  47. Happy Birthday Wirecutter from North Idaho!

  48. A little late, but Happy Birthday, man. As long as you hit the next one standing on your feet and flipping off the Feds, it will be a good year.

  49. 'Everyday above ground is a good day'
    Happy Life Day Ken

  50. Happy Birthday, Kenny!...........ed in Wa

  51. happy birthday from myself and padawan...who still hasn't figured out how to comment here, even after I've shown her a few times.

  52. Happy Birthday, Old-Timer !

  53. Happy Birthday, Kenny. Thanks for putting up with all us and keeping the site going.

  54. Since you Dad and I share the same birthday Faye March 14, I feel we share the same ideals.

  55. Time flies don't it WC? Have a great belated Happy Birthday from us here in Arkansas.

  56. Happy Birthday a day late Mr. Lane!!!
    Hope you had a good one, and yes, looks like the boogaloo is creeping up on us.
    Sad, but unavoidable at this stage. Stay low and fast.

  57. Happy B-Day Kenny!

  58. Bless y'all, and hope that Trump will be re-elected, even though that will cause more hate and division. I no longer am comfortable in calling the election, since common sense in voting no longer exists.

  59. Happy Birthday Wirecutter, Take Care and thanks for keeping us informed.


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