
Sunday, July 12, 2020

Sunday Video 6


  1. She has an excellent sense if humor!

  2. She seems nice...


  3. Adults riding bikes on the roadways are just doing it for attention. I always honk for their safety so they know I am behind them as they impede traffic.

    1. Weak statement. They have as much right to be on the road as you.

    2. They still have to comply with the rules of the road. Many times I have seen these guys riding 2, three, four abreast taking up most of the car lane. They rely on drivers being conscientious; their safety is in the hands of the drivers all the while they clog the lanes. I ride bicycles myself but I'm not an asshole when on two wheels.

    3. “ just doing it for attention.”

      You can’t possibly believe that, but if you do, well.....cycling is an enormous industry and past time in which millions of people participate.

    4. When the peddlefools start paying road taxes, I'll agree with you.

    5. "They have as much right to be on the road as you."

      If you cannot maintain a safe speed that does not impede drivers behind you, no you do not have any right to be on the road, unless you have a lead and chase vehicle and safety flags. A shame these people's mama didn't teach them to get off the road when a car approaches. Most 5 year olds have that much sense.

    6. Hey Harry
      Taxes? As in gasoline taxes dedicated to road maintenance? So I ride a bicycle on the road occasionally. My household has a 4x4 truck, 3 SUV's, a 4 door sedan, a sports car, 2 quads and a motorcycle. Does that qualify me as having paid enough tax to ride on your road. Your arrogance is really quite impressive.
      Tell me, which mode of transport (or rather the idiot behind the wheel) kills tens of thousands of people in this country every year?
      Hey Chris
      Funny, the law says nothing about flagmen, and escort drivers. The law also allows cyclists to occupy the entire lane if they choose. Most roads don't have minimum speed requirements. I know, its really hard for you to slow down for 30 seconds for a cyclist; you're clearly very important and have places to go. Yes, cyclists need to obey the rules of the road, be courteous, and not act like knobs, but get over yourself.

    7. Hey Kenny, do you have tags on all those vehicles? Why not on your bike? When a vehicle has to slow down for an idiot on a bike, getting back to speed uses as much fuel as driving four miles.

  4. She needs a mike and a PA system for that song...

  5. Man do I appreciate how she feels.

  6. The semi operators start their shift by paying thousands in mandatory road taxes, fuel taxes, tire taxes, and extra taxes called 'excise' taxes -- along with thousands of hidden taxes -- all before they earn a dime.

    The semi operators also pay for segregated lanes restricted to bicyclists, while bicyclists pay zero helmet tax or a tax on spandex and fancy shoes.

    Seems legit.

  7. " I would like to run you over with my truck TOOT TOOT
    If you don't move your asses you are fucked TOOT TOOT..."
    lil jack

  8. In some places its not legal to ride bikes on the sidewalk. And some places there aren’t sidewalks.

  9. I used to dart all over MCBH with my bike, saved thousands of dollars not having a car and also got to places faster. Usually I would stick to the side walks but they were also usually empty, likewise the roads. I would jump back and forth and avoid just about everyone I could. Of course I cut through barracks courtyards, and foot paths, probably the only douchbag thing I did while on a bike.

    I never did get that stupid yellow sticker PMO required.


  10. Didn't that truck have the jakes? She could have scared the shit out of them.


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