
Sunday, July 19, 2020

Sunday Video 9


  1. Little asshole needs a whoopin and sent to his room for the rest of the day. Then another good whooopin for not respecting mom and dad (or mom and whatever) And take the damned hammer out of his hand. Damn but those people are shitty parents.

  2. This kid is a prime candidate for a major ass-thrashing deluxe.
    Or a budding liberal Democrat. Or both.

  3. If I would have been Leland and even LOOKED like I was THINKING about doing anything this kid did when I was growing up my dad would have: 1) Tanned my ass. 2) Made absolutely certain I couldn't ever think of doing it again by slapping the ever-loving shit out of me. 3)Ben absolutely in the right for all of it. Because of the discipline I learned from fear of the actually few punishments I received as a child I've grown up to be a Doctor of Veterinary Medicine and, I think, a pretty good husband, father and citizen.

  4. Replies
    1. Agreed. Too staged. It would have been more convincing if someone would have made an attempt to stop the child instead of recording.

  5. We know who runs that house. It's already to late to correct that behavior although a good belting might make the parents feel better. Get ready for a future of misery as he gets more out of control.

  6. That kid is autistic. Dad is probably that junior doesn't know how to 1) swing a hammer properly and 2) use the hammer on dad when he's asleep (yet)

  7. In our home: "Yes, Leland is still in a coma. We are at a loss on how he tried to kill himself by dunking himself in the toilet."


  8. Junior antifa.......

  9. Leland and the dumbass recording this need their asses blistered with a belt.

  10. Obviously liberal parents.

    Kid needs a trip to the woodshed.

  11. IF it's not staged, that kid and his worthless parents need to be beaten to within an inch of their lives!

  12. If those parents aren't careful he'll send them to the corn field.

  13. Pussy parents deserve that. Little shit would have lost his hand the second time he tried to mess with the new TV, and the FIRST time if the brat broke the old one.

  14. and this is why assholes take down statues. none of them got their ass beat as a child.

  15. And if the boy had even started to do that in either my house or the house I grew up in, he would have found out what 'Spare the rod, Spoil the child' means in practical application...

  16. If this is for real, it's entirely the parents' fault. There's never been any consequences when he misbehaves. He's destined to be an Antifa goon, rioting and burning down buildings, then crying when the police pepper spray and arrest him on charges his mommy and daddy can't get him out of.

  17. They came home with too many TVs after the last riots.

  18. I call BS. Prolly the old TV as it looks like a cheap Vizio sub $200 that prolly broke as my wife would have dropped the phone and gave that boy some cooking stick on the ass.

  19. Future antifa idiot right there. Now you know where they come from.

  20. Just not buying it. No one would just put up with that crap.

  21. Is this a joke? The kid needs an old fashion beating like I received when I was a little ass.

  22. Real effective disciplinarians, Leland's parents are.
    Future Antifa material right there.

  23. Leland gets his ass dropkicked at 0:05....never gets his hands on a hammer.

  24. I don't know if this was a prank or real. If it was real, the Dad has no control, the kids are out of control. The kids need a whipping real bad.

  25. WTF! I would have busted his ass right at the very beginning.

  26. That kid would be in need of a new home, had he been mine.

  27. Tommy, why do you have that gun? You need to put down the gun, Tommy. No, don't point it at your sister. BANG! Tommy, why did you shoot you sister? You know that hurt, don't you? Now, give the gun to me, Tommy. No, don't point the gun at me.

    On ABC's Funniest Home Videos, people have sent in videos of their kids doing similar stuff, with a parent doing the "Why are you doing that?" BS instead of stopping whatever is going on.

  28. Time Machine...go back an abort that little no good motherfucker.

  29. Looks like my stepson's household, sad to say.

  30. I'd say real.
    And that's why I'm not a teacher anymore.
    Imagine trying to keep that kid in line.
    If you try to stop him, he'll lie to get you in trouble.
    And his parents will believe him. "MY little boy wouldn't lie or act like that!"

  31. I can't imagine anyone who wasn't that bad a parent even thinking about staging this. Gotta be real. Sad.

  32. In a way I understand. Many is the time I've wanted to do that to my (wife's) TV.
    'Cept I'd be using my .41 Mag, not a claw hammer.

  33. staged or autistic as fuck....permissive see the kid struggle against the dad, he ain't used to being told "no"

  34. Put that kid in an asylum and don't let him out until he knows a thing or two.

  35. I have a child who broke a TV at age two, because he didn't like the program. He is seventeen, and still can recall the consequences very clearly. Never happened again.

  36. If this is indeed not staged, then against all my own beliefs...... here is an example of post-birth abortion - starting with the two parents.

  37. Someone is going to have to mill that kid in self defense some day. And in the not too distant future.
    The woman that birthed him (because no one is RAISING him) will be screaming about the "murder" of her "good boy".

  38. Time for a good ass-whoopin'..if the boy has that many mental problems, he should be in a special hospital or school.

  39. On second thought after what I posted above, I wonder if the boy is really the couple's son. The daughter backed right off when the mother told her not to touch the TV screen. It looks like she has been raised to respect her parents, while the boy is a hostile, unempathic mess. The parents may have become the guardians of an emotionally damaged boy. That would explain why they do almost nothing to restrain him but talk/yell; they were told he could not be physically disciplined because physical discipline no longer means anything to him.
    The mother might be taking the video for evidence for the adoption agency. The kid is obviously unfit to be living in an ordinary home. If my guess is right, the couple were fools to bring him in in the first place. He's a danger to the girl.
    If my guess is wrong, he needs a boot up the ass, but it doesn't look like he'll ever get it until it's too late.

  40. I just hope they don't have a dog.

  41. Whether the kid was autistic or not, he still needed to be disciplined. I know several families with autistic kids, and their kids do respond positively to discipline.

  42. Fake as hell, they figured they would spend ~ $300 on a TV and get rich on You Tube...pure clickbait.

    1. I'm thinkin' you're right. Even so, that's not very smart to teach your kids it's okay to hammer a teevee.

  43. Whether the kid was autistic or not, he still needed to be disciplined. I know several families with autistic kids, and their kids do respond positively to discipline.

  44. I know there are actually parents like that. Even if this video is staged, there are parents exactly like that. Aside from thinking they can have rational discussions with an immature mind, they treat their spawn as equals. So yes, the immature mind does rule the household.

    See also, affective parenting style.

    Leland is expecting his participation trophy.

  45. That is one of them start at the top, daddy, mama and that little fucker need a taste of hickory. Try that shit at my house your ass wouldn’t hold shucks. If you wanna call the cops, I’ll dial 911 myself.

  46. Guys Please! This is OBVIOUSLY a special needs child.


  47. Smart kid. Could be our next John Conner.

  48. Leland is the brightest person in the room.

  49. If it is true, I'm don't feel sorry for the his millennial wussy parents or his grandparents or his great grandparents.

  50. Might be staged.....these days you can never tell. However I suspect that "Leland" would be what is often referred to as a "bad seed". A defective human that will NEVER function properly in normal society and WILL eventually kill someone.

  51. That brat would be put up for adoption as soon as all the bleeding from his thrashing healed over. Autistic or not, kid needs to be beaten, hog tied, and thrown in a closet somewhere until he figures out how to behave.

    I've always seen beating kids as abusive and cruel, but this is an instance where there just isn't any other choice.


  52. i would have beat his ass black and blue

  53. Yes officer leland was playing by the old well last time i saw him

  54. Maybe he is protecting his parents and keeping the from watching the View!

  55. Ah yes, autistic: the universal excuse for the two failures. Failure to behave and failure to educate. Even a complete retard will understand the meaning of limits as soon as they are reinforced by adequate physical constraints. In clear text: give this brat the ass-whopping of his lifetime every time tries to act up like that. Eventually, he will learn how to behave. Lernen durch Schmerzen. Learning by pain.

    1. You have obviously never had to actually deal with a child who had autism. Try it, it is not as simple as disciplining them the same way you did your other kids. My other kids were well behaved by the time they reached the age of 3 years old, mostly sooner.
      An adopted child, who is now 23, is still a handful, and you cannot hit a kid the way they need to be spanked now days. Unless you wish to become involved with your local law inforcement agency. Because just because you think you have certain rights, the truth is, you don't have crap, due to the liberals in charge.
      My brother had a 15 year old daughter sleeping with a 21 year old mexican American guy. He pushed the girl, she fell against the couch, faking that he hurt her, and he and his wife spent every night for the next 30 days over at the court house taking parenting classes in order to keep their daughter. But the 21 year old could keep on screwing his 15 year old daughter. Life is not always fair, and when it involves the government,is almost is never fair.


    2. From my personal experience with a son on the spectrum, you are 100% correct. My wife and I never let our child get away with bad behavior because he's autistic. That approach is utter bull-crap that is a disservice to the child and only reinforces stereotypical autistic behaviors. We correct and discipline our child just as if the child was "neurotypical." Corporal punishment doesn't work on all children all the time. The trick, as a parent, is to learn what disciplinary action works on the individual child and adjust styles midstream if needed. Yelling, screaming, and hollow threats essentially never work on ANY child.

  56. from the youtube channel:

    Welcome to our channel! All our videos are intended for viewers 13 and older. Get to know our family, the stressed dad, Mom, Leland ( kid temper tantrum ), Leanna, and London the baby. We like to do skits and make up crazy things to do! We also do challenges, reviews and post vlogs of our life! *The Kid Temper Tantrum videos are acts.* We post these videos for entertainment.Sometimes we have stuff that breaks and it is more fun to destroy it than just throw it away. Be sure to connect with us on social media to stay updated on everything!"

  57. A fine example of the parenting practices that got us to where we are today with these liberal white kids who have been "peacefully demonstrating" and the wasteland they leave behind.

  58. C'mon guys, this is clearly staged. Nobody buys something new and expensive like that and then allows a kid to start beating on it with a hammer without even *trying* to stop him. Why someone wants to do a fake video like this is anybodies guess but it is fake as hell.


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