
Monday, July 13, 2020

That shit would've gotten me slapped away from the table


  1. the brat gets a backhanded slap across the face , and dragged out to the car . the bill gets paid , and an apology given to the server for the rude behaviour , and it wont ever happen again

  2. Drug out and ass beat. I probably would not have made it to the bathroom, where education was dispensed, with that one.

  3. One of tomorrows governors.

  4. Thinking back I cannot remember even one time that any of us kids did something like that. Everyone knew there was a line to not cross.

    On the radio I heard them discussing children going back to school. That discussion morphed into talking of the little brats beating on the teacher. Still more, that talk became one of how that line between what is acceptable and what is not is being pushed further out.

  5. I was on a remote job once and went to eat in a restaurant in town. The restaurant was about a third full and I had a table off to myself. On the other side was a table with two couples and 5 to 6 year old girl. The adults were ignoring the child as she started running around the restaurant unsupervised. After a few minutes she came over and started running orbits around my table. On the second pass, I stretched my hand out and stopped her, and then in my loudest, deepest, most gnarly voice shouted: "GO SIT DOWN!"

    That little girls eyes got as big as saucers and she immediately ran straight to mama and papa's table and... sat down.

    I sat there for awhile and waited, figuring I was going to have to go to battle stations with one or both of the parents. But nope. They didn't even look over my way.

  6. My parents always got on me and my ex wife, about disciplining our kids when they were 2 or 3 years old. But they owned a restaurant, and we could go into theirs or any other restaurant, and take our kids, and they sat down, ate their food without causing a problem, and we didn't have to discipline them. My 4 siblings had kids, who would get up from the table, run around under the chair legs, and sometimes the tables of other patrons.
    I am a firm believer that if you teach your kids when they are young, you won't have a problem when they are older. And while we would spank them, we didn't have to do so that often. Usually just the note of disapproval in my voice was enough to get them to stop doing something. And I didn't have to yell, the kids just wanted to please me by doing right, and I made sure to praise them when they did right, without my prompting.


  7. Kids need to learn discipline. Millennial's didn't and you see the result!

  8. Discipline your kids when they are young, so the corrections officer won't need to do it later.

  9. Something ain't right with those kids. Look at how low the nasal bridge is on the girl in the middle. Harder to tell on the little one on the left, due to the camera angle, but my money is on some congenital problem.

    Or maybe it's just a funny-looking brat.

  10. I still say the girl has mad skillz! She's about to make a circus catch on a drink tossed in from off-camera. She's gonna save the day!


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