
Wednesday, July 29, 2020

Then he had a heart attack 10 minutes later


  1. Looks like what's left of a GINO'S pizza from 1971.

  2. He looks like someone just dug his ass up.

  3. Prospector after announcing his find is flooded with marriage proposals from 500 Sheilas.

  4. $145,362. As of my writing of this post.
    Given the amount of work I'd imagine he's done over the years, this does not seem like a huge payout.
    -Just A Chemist

    1. With the recent spike in gold, it's now up to $223,055. He may want to hold on to that for a while.


  5. I earned my living as a prospector in the Mother Lode of California for a couple years and made a few decent strikes, more than most other folks. I figure that between the research and the actual work performed, I made about 10 bucks an hour. That wasn't a bad wage back then, but a lot less than what most people that have never ran a sluice or dredge would think.

  6. Its worth a heck of a lot more in its raw form. When I was working in the town of Volcano, the local news was a guy had found a 6.5 lbs nugget. It sold for over $3 million.


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