
Thursday, July 16, 2020

What We're Actually Seeing


  1. Wow. Just wow. Sending to my compliant family members

  2. I'd like to send this around but I have no idea who this guy is and I can't find out anything about him. What are his credentials? Who is he? What's his background? Do you know anything about him or is he just some guy spouting off?

    1. Even if he is just spouting off he makes sense.

    2. He's a NYC street musician.

  3. Yep.
    What he said...

  4. Dear God in heaven I'm not a religious man in the traditional sense but those are the only words to come to mine I've been thinking this looking at this and researching this not just with the covid-19 but all the way back to Junior high in 1977 when I asked why we have an income tax that was the very first mechanism of control and everything else since 1913 has simply piled on top of that without the income tax we would not have had world war one or two because the government wouldn't be able to steal money to play soldier this man is a genius and I really hope that nothing happens to him

  5. Made a comment and it disappeared what the hell

    1. It didn't disappear, it went into moderation.

  6. Jeremy Elliot - The Iconic Podcast

  7. While I am not particularly religious, I find myself praying to God on a regular basis to save our country

  8. Ahhh, Anymouse children. At least they are reading.


    Jeremy Elliot on 'Red Pill Portal'.

    Commenters say this is immediately removed from FaceBook and Twitter.
    How can I copy the entire five-minute video?


    I pressed my finger on the image, and a window offered me several choices including 'copy url'.
    I opened a new page, and my telephone offered 'open saved url'.

    1. Yo, LM - I'm on a pc and I'm using a free video downloader called 4k Download. You can see it here at It's super easy to use and, as stated, it's free. The only thing is you gotta download the program to your desktop but there's no catch. They don't send a lot of junk with it and the download is real quick. I've got it and the video on my desktop now.
      This guy is really good and he's saying stuff a lot of us kinda sorta already know but he puts it down really clearly. I'd just like to know something about him so I don't have to fact check the figures he uses before I send it around, which I wouldn't have to do if he has rock solid credibility. My liberal, adult daughters are starting to nibble on the red pill and the last thing I want to do is send them something that turns out to have a lot of holes in it.

    2. D S Craft, would it hurt to do a bit of research on your own? For that matter, don't you research anything? You should have that habit down pat long before these days when fake news is overtly rampant.

      Let me say it this way; that you seemingly do not have the habit of research, I would be loathe to trust anything that you say. We all have the obligation, the duty to ourselves, our loved ones, society at large.

    3. Marge, a URL is just a website address. Saving the address is called a "bookmark". If they remove the video, the URL won't help, because you'll have the previous address but you won't have the video. You need to download software that can save videos. Do some research before you pick a piece of software, some of it comes with viruses when you download it.

  10. His name is Jeremy Elliot.

    Men go mad in herds and wake up one at a time. The problem is there's no time left and most people don't want to face reality anyway.

  11. What an amazing video. Thanks for exposing us to this guy and more importantly to the message he clearly lays out. Change is upon us whether we like it or not so it is time to start guiding that change instead of hiding from it. Eventually both sides will realize who the real enemy is and then it gets real interesting.

  12. I must say he's knocking it out the park.
    Agree 100%

  13. Sweet baby Jesus! Time to get right with the Lord and prepare for what is daily becoming inevitable.


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Keep 'em civil, coherent, short, and on topic.