
Friday, July 10, 2020

When the Music Stops: How America's Cities May Explode in Violence - Matt Bracken

In response to recent articles in mainstream military journals discussing the use of the U.S. Army to quell insurrections on American soil, I offer an alternate vision of the future. Instead of a small town in the South as the flash point, picture instead a score of U.S. cities in the thrall of riots greater than those experienced in Los Angeles in 1965 (Watts), multiple cities in 1968 (MLK assassination), and Los Angeles again in 1992 (Rodney King). New Yorkers can imagine the 1977 blackout looting or the 1991 Crown Heights disturbance. In fact, the proximate spark of the next round of major riots in America could be any from a long list cribbed from our history.

We have seen them all before, and we shall see them all again as history rhymes along regardless of the century or the generation of humankind nominally in control of events. But the next time we are visited by widespread, large-scale urban riots, a dangerous new escalation may be triggered by a fresh vulnerability: It’s estimated that the average American home has less than two weeks of food on hand. In poor minority areas, it may be much less. What if a cascading economic crisis, even a temporary one, leads to millions of EBT (electronic benefit transfer) cards flashing nothing but ERROR? This could also be the result of deliberate sabotage by hackers, or other technical system failures. Alternatively, the government might pump endless digits into the cards in a hopeless attempt to outpace future hyperinflation. The government can order the supermarkets to honor the cards, and it can even set price controls, but history’s verdict is clear: If suppliers are paid only with worthless scrip or blinking digits, the food will stop.


  1. Hm. From way over here, on another continent... Bracken seems to be making certain assumptions that I don't really see the validity of.

    So I'm not as optimistic as he is.

    (Over here, the "minorities" do get conscripted and/or go hunting like everyone else.)

  2. From my days working in social service- lot of poor folks living so close to the edge that real hunger is only one little hiccup away. It wont take much to get folks, desperate folks, manipulated into burning it all down. apropos of nothing I graduated high school in Detroit in 1967, about a month later right down the street the Detroit riot kicked off. It was real ugly and I hope to never see that again.

  3. He seems to believe the telecom networks will be operational to facilitate the riots direction, I think that wont be the case. Monkey Wrencher's will have taken that into account and shot up cel sites!

    1. You destroy their cell service and guess what? You've fucked your communications, too. Smooth move.

    2. Insurgents relying on cell service are stupid beyond belief. Carrying a government tracking device when you pull your ambush is about the dumbest thing you could do. Might as well stand in front of a surveillance camera without a mask afterward waving your rifle and yelling "It was me ! Me !"

  4. As if this FUBAR of a year could not get any worst!

  5. Simple solution: interrupt cellphone service. No cellphones, no flashmobs.

  6. An all too real scenario here. What the previous writer fails to consider is the vast majority of our veterans possess a moral compass wherein they understand the implications of the author’s vision. While this may sound like black vs white, it is actually going to be a contest pitting good vs bad, haves vs have nots. I for one hope to never in my life see such a day.

  7. EBT cards are administered by JP Morgan - Chase bank. So each user has an account that can only be accessed via the card.
    Morgan also has the world's largest exposure to the two quadrillion ( million billion) dollar unregulated derivative market. If the market moves against them, they could easily need to use bail-ins, seizing deposits & replacing them w/ "equities" (legal since 2015). So your account has rapidly cratering stocks in it instead of cash. You have to get your broker to sell them to get some of your money.
    People on assistance don't generally have brokers...


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