
Monday, July 13, 2020

Why I always carried a gun up in the Sierras

A California teenager has been rescued after spending more than 20 hours hiding in the woods from a gunman accused of killing the boy's father.

Dr. Ari Gershman had taken his 15-year-old son Jack on an off-road trip near Poker Flat in Sierra County Friday when the pair encountered a man driving an ATV who opened fire at them — striking and killing Gershman and sending Jack fleeing into the woods.


It wasn't because of 4 legged animals, it was for the 2 legged animals that think they can get away with shit because there's not a cop within hours of them.


  1. Stuff like that happens in the wilds. I too carry 100% of the time when we go to the ranch, Dad (RIP) told us guns get loaded when we leave road pavement. I have not yet had trouble, but if it comes, I won't be unarmed.

  2. And that is also why I carry while backpacking. Bears are nothing to worry about but the two legged ones can be a threat. They see and they leave me alone.

  3. Just had this talk with my grand daughter, the hiker.
    She carries my old .38spl in a backpack. I told her to get a holster. Faster.

  4. I was in the Dinkey Wilderness many moons ago (you know it Ken) fishing with my dog. Returned to the truck to find a couple of suspicious hooligans firing guns and drinking whiskey. I was out in the middle of nowhere. I mean know where. I blew that popsickle stand muy pronto. Didn't trust those Fresno boys.


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