
Thursday, August 06, 2020

Attorney of Driver in Austin Shooting Releases Details Confirming Self Defense

U.S.A. –-( There are new developments in the shooting case where a driver shot a protestor who was armed with an AK47 type rifle, as his car was being swarmed by the crowd of protestors. The following is a press release from the attorneys of Daniel Perry, who has identified himself as the driver who shot Garrett Foster on the evening of 25 July. This account tells what happened from the viewpoint of Daniel Perry. From the press release:


  1. Gay Furry Lives Matter.

    Perry also had an account on social website under username “knives0011,” where he shares photos of himself in military garb which match his Twitter profile picture. In his blog on the site, he shares in a post dated 7 years ago that he would be going to Texas soon, and in another post from the same year he talks about his military experience.

    “I have been dumped while I was in Afghanistan and my own parents made it pretty clear that when I better stay in the army,” Perry writes. “because when I get out that is it they are not going to help me out and I am going to be living in the streets like [those] vets you see begging for your change addicted to drugs because that is there only way put of the pain that they feel. All in all I am fucked.”

    Such is the state of .mil today...

    1. Internal furry estimates indicate that 80% of the fandom is male, and 80% of the males are gay/bi. I think its due in-part to the lack of available women, others simply don't want all the problems that come with women and fly solo. For some reason the fandom appeals more to men than women.

      There are a minority of right-wing furs in the fandom, we keep to ourselves because we know it will be a literal witch burning if we don't. FA staff are already supportive of anti-fa and anything politics is asking for trouble. Support for Trump is tickling the dragon's tail.

      As for the state of the military.

      Almost everyone in my squad (USMC) had some issue, legal history, broken family, trying to leave a region of the USA, escaping gang life, etc, I was probably the only person to come from a "stable" family. More often than not, the people who stay in do so because they were either stop-lossed or had no other choice.

      - arc

  2. I tried using a search on that website and nothing returned. Is there a crowdfund we can contribute to for his legal fees?


    2. Since he didn't tag any pictures or artwork with his username, it will come up blank. It looks like he closed it down since his photos in uniform from 8 years ago are missing.

      Every leftist and their dog is trying to dig for info on him so the less that's linked around, the better. His FA is still active and it seems he is either purging all new content or locked shouts. Archive sites show recent activity, but all of it is removed on FA.

      This is why one should de-network their life and keep fur/online-life separate from personally identifiable life, possibly even create a few disinformation profiles around the web.

      Most people treat furries like mental cases and pedophiles; pariah. Even his own family disowned him. Glancing around the internet, people are already trying to paint him as a nutcase because of his FA profile. Hence why most furs are only social online and at cons, they stick to their own groups and accept the fact that the outside world hates them.

      +1, for a GoFundMe, I'm utterly broke but if there is a funding drive then I'll add him to the queue for spare $ when I make some. Furs support their own.

      - arc

  3. Asshole acts like a thug and points a rifle at a innocent person just before getting ventilated by innocent. Good shoot. 👍


    2. Is this one legit?
      There is also one on gofundme, hard to know who is real.



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