
Wednesday, August 05, 2020

Could You Survive Three M16 Bullets to the Chest?


  1. Let's see what the meat target has to say...

    1. During the trials for acceptance of the .45ACP, the targets were goats, due to their torso's resemblance to humans.

  2. It depends on your thickness and where in the chest they hit and at what range. Either way, I'm not going to like it.

  3. Hmmm. Up against a bad shot with an early M16 or against, say, Doug Marcaida with his choice of knife.
    I'll take my chances with the gun 😊

    1. Coincidentally I just read this over at Trainer840.

      Shot 27 times in one gunfight. In April 2006, Navy Seal SR Chief Mike Day was shot 27 times by terrorist with AK47s,9mm and 556 green tips taken from deceased Green Beret. Shot everywhere on his body but his head. His M4 rifle shot out of his hands, he continued the fight with his Sig 9mm handgun after the handles were shot off along with his thumb. He killed the remaining 3 bad guys with his 9mm with no handles..THEN WALKED HIMSELF to the medevac Helicopter.

      Like I said - I'll take my chances with the gun!!

    2. ZombieDawg, what do you mean by handles? The grip panels?

      - ThinkingOutLoud

    3. I'll bet SCPO Day goes bear hunting with a willow switch.

  4. In other words worked to specification. It's a bad idea to be shot.
    What's next? The wetness of water?

  5. I don't watch war movies. One day an ad for Spittoon came on. I saw a bunch of GI's asshole to belly button in a chest deep river. I thought, right and changed the channel. Cluster fuck on my fire team and eventually squad and I was knee deep in yer shit, which happened with boots not salts. I don't watch them because of the weapons I see that cause weird assed memories, not the fuckin acting.

    1. You were right not to watch it, it was another one of Oliver Stone's wet dream bullshit movies from beginning to end, I was surprised that Dale Dye had anything to do with it. Is what I thought, anyway.


  6. Jello Junkies get what they want with this crap. Nothing to do with reality.

  7. Mike Cronk, a retired teacher, helped save his friend who was shot three times in the chest by a gunman at the Mandalay Bay Resort and Casino.

    this INTERVIEW ALWAYS CRACKS ME UP STARTING WITH THE NAME Mike Cronk friend of his standing in the middle of thousands of people gets hit in the chest not once not twice but 3 times with full auto gunfire. from more than 100 yards away but he's good don't cha know

  8. Whatsa M16 bullet ? I guess they mean 5.56 NATO, but that is a very misleading title unless the ammunition is actually named M16.

  9. 11 seconds in the guy lost me when he used the term "assault rifle"


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