
Wednesday, August 12, 2020

Damn, she looks a little turned on


  1. You can bet that under those scary costumes are a couple of noodle-armed, soy boy Beta Males .. doing what they do best ... pretending.

  2. The Nazgul... Neither living nor dead. I agree with J-West, probably 'cos play fags. If it was the actors from the movies, I thin they were mostly played by stun-men, in which case soy-boy does not really describe them.
    -Just A Chemist

  3. Nothing like a Bad Boy ... and what's badder that a Nazgul?

  4. Replies
    1. Lord of the Rings, 2nd Movie

      Best last words: "No man can kill ME!!" and gets stabbed in the dik by a chick....

      Can I say dik on this blog?


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