
Friday, August 07, 2020

Expect a Back Lash Against the Left If Biden Fails to Denounce Riots and Threaten Defunding the Police

It is former Vice President Joe Biden, and not President Donald Trump, who has a political problem due to ongoing riots in the aftermath of the death of George Floyd as public backlash against the political left has begun seeping into public attitudes concerning the race for president in 2020.

On July 28, as attention was focused on attempts by radical leftist mobs led by Antifa to burn a federal courthouse in Portland, Oreg. to the ground, Biden issued a weak statement unbelievably blaming President Donald Trump and federal law enforcement for the riots.


  1. I have liberal family members, who would do rather well on an IQ test. I see them on face book all bought into the idea Trump is stirring the pot, that somehow things would be magically different if the evil racist, sexist, homophobic orange bad man didn’t want to destroy all thats good in the world. They buy into the propaganda that Trump is violating the constitution by protecting federal buildings, that federal law enforcement cant arrest people away from federal buildings. What bothers me as well is how fucking disrespectful they are to their fathers and uncles who are all conservative and some are retired attorneys. Got one little shit of a 19 year old college freshman niece who likely was never spanked let alone punched in the face who knows exactly how the world is supposed to work and talks down to her uncle about law. This same uncle is the one that would get sent to washington by his office to argue cases before the supreme court and after he retired from the prosecutors office was advisor to our state supreme court.
    All this to say there is a lot of stupid out there and they all plan to vote to protect us from trump. Sorry, the little shits have gotten on my last nerve.

    1. This. Otherwise intelligent people go all "Orange! Man! Baaddd!", On any topic. I swear, if Trump came out in favor of regular, meticulous hand washing, these folks would go all in on playing in the dirt!

    2. I think every family has the "little shits" who think they know "so much more" than we do. I have a grandson and a granddaughter I would put in that category, and I've taken them off my "gift list".

  2. Joe probably is having a hard time clearly seeing the note cards that Jill writes for his policy statements.

  3. This is tge hope I hold out for November. It won't show in the polls, and lots of folks won't say anything in 'polite' company, but everyone saw the news, heard the dems pandar to the mob... and I brlieve (hope?) they'll remember in November on election day.

  4. Don't worry Biden will fully explain his "law & order" agenda using the expletive "Man" 2,000 times. The dimwit Democrats including my sister will applaud and Trump supporters will need an Ebonics translator.

  5. Stick a fork in Biden. He's done, especially after those two bumbles this week where he's asking a black interviewer if he's on cocaine and when he tries and fails to conflate the diversity of black and latino cultures and manages to insult both.

    Yet the Demonrats continue to stand this guy up as the party's savior.

    Landslide 03-Nov-20 that will rock the world.



    1. Actually it will be the protests, riots and uprising against the republic that will rock the world.

    2. I pray you are right Nemo.


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