
Monday, August 24, 2020

Feds to appeal ruling, seek death for Boston bomber

WASHINGTON (AP) — The Justice Department will seek to reinstate a death penalty for Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, the man who was convicted of carrying out the 2013 Boston Marathon bombing, Attorney General William Barr said Thursday.

In an interview with The Associated Press, Barr said the Justice Department would appeal the court’s ruling last month that tossed Tsarnaev’s death sentence and ordered a trial to determine whether he should be executed for the attack that killed three people and wounded more than 260 others. Barr said the Justice Department would take the matter to the U.S. Supreme Court.


  1. Com on now.
    This kid was just a peaceful protester and should get his promised job at CNN.

  2. Execute this fucking terrorist! Deport his ENTIRE family too. The fuckwad friends who hid or destroyed evidence, they need to swing as well.
    This should of been done long ago! Let me!! I’ll pull the fucking lever!!

    I apologize for my language.


    1. As well you should. It is 'should HAVE'.

      You're welcome.

    2. Yeah, that's a good one,Rick. Now return to folding and arranging your socks in their proper order.

      Your welcome.

  3. And soros funded justices, fucking rope!

  4. We have"f"ed up our trial system. A jury should decide if the acused did the crime and whether the act should be considered criminal or justified. The judge should decide based on facts and law whether the crime is 1st degree murder or 3rd degree manslaughter and set punishment according to legislation. I believe every 1st degree murder conviction should be mandatory death, and if they appeal the method, execute in the same way the murder was committed.
    All appeals should be filed within 90 days and decided within 180. Execution should be within one year.

  5. Actually, it's a good thing that the government is being forced to dot every I and cross every T in order to get an enforceable death sentence. "Enh, close enough" probably isn't the legal standard that any citizen would want to see applied, especially given how hostile the government now is to the peasantry.

    1. FaCubeItches, that is the single best comment you have ever posted.

    2. Totally. I'm always shocked how your average Republican says "close enough" when it supports their personal preference on government murdering people. I wonder if they'd feel the same way about LeVoy? "Was he a bad guy? Eh...he did kinda speed and try to drive through a 'close enough'".

  6. I hope someone has the balls to "Epstein" the little Muslim savage piece of shit.

  7. Roberts won't let SCOTUS hear it....fuckin' pussy.


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