
Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Fuck that

NASHVILLE, Tenn. (WZTV) — For several weeks some Metro Council members and social justice advocates have worked on a plan to get words "Black Lives Matter" painted onto a Nashville street.

It's going to take a lot more effort in order to bring this kind of vision to Nashville, including support from the mayor, according to the Minority Caucus.


  1. If you let ghem paint a street with black lives matter, you need to let them paint a street with blue lives matrer, and every and any other expression.
    Roads are public property, the state, and should only be painted with traffic control markers. Anything else should be considered graffiti, and dealt with as such.

  2. Decades ago, the joke was, " I don't care what everybody else says, you're a great guy". The implication was obvious. That's how I view this BLM crap as well as these programs that keep telling girls that they're just as good, smart, and able as boys. DUH! Talk about stating the obvious. It should be very offensive to the people that they are targeting for recognition.

  3. "It's going to take a lot more effort in order to bring this kind of vision to Nashville"
    Yea right, lots of "effort," to get the support of mayor Chicken Coop and the backing of every virtue-signaling "please don't make fun of us, New York" shithead in this town.
    What a joke.
    -Just A Chemist

  4. Not that I travel much for pleasure anymore, but any 'berg with this kind of shit on their streets won't see me spending a K-buck in their town for a nice weekend.

  5. The practice of painting political statements on city streets is only fanning more racial tension because it's all one-sided.
    I especially recoil at painting slogans on the floor of NBA games. I mean, why aren't there more white players?
    And for the record I'm still waiting for that "White history month"!


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