
Friday, August 14, 2020

"Give it up, Cracker!"

A video out of Seattle shows a mob of Black Lives Matter agitators harassing a homeowner and demanding that they give up their property in order to fix racism.

The clip shows a male demonstrator singling out one home and lecturing those inside about how they’re “living in a historically black neighborhood.”

He then accuses whites of buying land and homes from black people for below its market value and kicking out African-Americans.


  1. Next step will be them murdering white families. Its coming, look at south africa.


    1. Yep, South Africa is already well down the ‘repatriation’ spiral.

      There they attack farms because of the high ratio of mouths to food and somehow killing off farmers is supposed to fix that. We have a lot of well fed people rioting so they start with looting iPhones, designer outlets, and jewelry. After downtowns have nothing to loot it’s on to taking over suburbs.

      That’s the nasty thing about low intensity conflict, you just keep sliding further down gradually ruining things for everyone.

      Of course shy of a simultaneous west coast tectonic event, Mississippi flood, Chicago fire and East coast Cat5 hurricane, I don’t see this slide going away.

    2. Not until our current cold war goes hot.

    3. Sometimes life should imitate art. Some of these protestors need to be shot in the face. This comes to mind (jump to 1:40).



  2. Just get the hose and water down their "firery" demands. If that doesn't move the commies along, crank up the national anthem on your stereo real loud and play it over and over. They can't handle that kind of music.

  3. Play John Philip Sousa marches.

  4. This is why I voted with my feet ...

    Don't follow me, the winters are a bitch.

    1. Wyoming is a beautiful state in it's own way... 👍👍👍👍👍

  5. Fuckers will be back out in the fields picking cotton before that happens.

  6. What they don't realize is that this is not Rhodesia/Zimbabwe and this is not South Africa. This is the United States of America, and white people are still the majority of the population and blacks are only 13% of the population. The black man has never had it so well at any time in the history of the world, as he has it in this country today. Yet, they have to go and screw that up, too.

    When the black man riots, he burns his neighborhood. When the white man riots, continents burn.

  7. Similar to what was done to Protestant farmers in the Northern Ireland border region. Kill them and then buy at a reduced price

  8. White flight is racist. Gentrification is racist. Everything is racist.

  9. Damn those buyers putting a gun to the seller's head and forcing them to sell.

  10. I got booted from an Atlanta history group on Fecesbook for telling the black members who were bitching about "gentrification" of "our neighborhoods" that I had never even heard of anyone bitching because their property values went up, and that they were using precisely the same language as white people 50 years ago when blacks moved into their neighborhoods. Except white people had a reason to bitch when their property values went down and down and down.

  11. Turn all your sprinklers to the street, and if they come on your property, shoot 'em....


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