Nice one. That is why _every_ human counts. You think the Lord above did not smile down on that? The utter happiness that came over the young man's face as he put together what was going on. Fantastic. I hate feelings, but even I felt a little something nice when I watched that. -Just A Chemist
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Note: Forest Gump please phone home.
ReplyDeletepretty sure your headed straight to hell for that one
DeleteNice one.
ReplyDeleteThat is why _every_ human counts. You think the Lord above did not smile down on that? The utter happiness that came over the young man's face as he put together what was going on. Fantastic.
I hate feelings, but even I felt a little something nice when I watched that.
-Just A Chemist
Got damn dusty in here for a second...
ReplyDeleteYea right! Where did that dust come from!
DeleteSure did.
DeleteAfter a shitty day at work, I see this and I'll go to bed with a smile on my face.
ReplyDeleteThank you Ken!