
Thursday, August 13, 2020


All right, all you activists:

It’s been nine years since we set off the political earthquake of #OccupyWallStreet, laying siege to NYC’s Zuccotti Park and inspiring thousands of similar protests around the world.

The Occupy anniversary arrives September 17th, 2020. And it may be the perfect day to trigger another global big-bang moment — a massive collective action of the sweetest kind of disobedience.

The why hardly needs recitation. Because, for these nine years, the shadows have only grown longer. Inequality has soared. Not a single Wall Street CEO spent a night in jail for his role in the 2008 financial meltdown. Politicians and corporate criminals continue to savage the public trust with impunity. And all the while, this howling void of a president, his sins too many to name, sits smugly atop a corona death-toll that may surpass two-hundred thousand Americans by Christmas.


  1. Anyone want to guess how many votes Trump will gain by this?

  2. Morons. Would rather see a dithering, mentally diminished individual with his radical, bruised knees partner be elected. I am fairly certain that 30-40% of the American public would vote for a dead possum before they voted for Donald Trump. Such is the divide in this country.

    That is why I fail to see any reason to concern myself with what transpired in the last election. It makes no difference. No one will ever serve any jail time. They continue to "serve" and make millions. But let someone like me or you do 5% of what they did and we would be thrown into the deepest darkest cell in the nation.

    All I can say to the situation is ensure you have plenty of brass and cleaning supplies. Could be an interesting time.

    1. As a student of history I can attest, the only way "We the People" ever fix this kind of problem, involves a lot of brass.

    2. "...thrown into the deepest darkest cell in the nation."
      Or for the crime of supporting the Constitution have an FBI Hostage Rescue Team sent out to off your ass, with a little help from their 'willing partners' from the local State Police.

      R.I.P. LaVoy.

    3. A vote for Biden IS a vote for a dead possum.

  3. Hm.....their god didn't come through with their demands?

  4. Good to know the original 'Crap on a Cop Car' crowd is still alive and shittin'.
    What a bunch of culls.

  5. They are still hoping for a "Storm the White House!" mass martyrdom event, that will shock all the fragile little women voters into abandoning support for the brutal dictator Trump. A dozen or two poor innocent DEAD or injured young people would make the Kent State shootings pale by comparison.

    Clear out Layfayette Park, fence it off, maybe even assign a platoon or two of nice young men from the Army and Marines to the park on a rotating basis.

  6. Yesterday was the 3-year mark since Charlottesville.

    Good thing all those Confederate statues slated to fall were protected, and the slippery slope was stopped, leaving other statues of prominent white men standing.

    Thanks, President Obama!

  7. There would be a lot more equality if you worthless motherfuckers held down a job instead of whining for everyone else to do for you.
    Can we start shooting these cocksuckers on Sept 17 too?
    Thoroughly sick of this whole situation.

  8. This seems to be a recruiting ad for Useful Idiots in the great "Let's You and Him Fight War".

  9. I say go for it dumbasses, the Secret Service don't play with fools. Just because some liberal mayor let y'all squat and trash everything in sight doesn't mean you'll be given a pass at the White House.

  10. The Occupy types may be assholes, but they're not wrong about the evils of Wall Street. When the banksters' and financiers' risky, unethical schemes to monetize everything and strip the value out of it work they keep the profit. When their schemes fail, we the taxpayers get to bail them out (and they keep the profit). The shit sandwich is not shared equally: we get all the shit, they get the bread.

    But nothing will happen because the same kinds of people who benefit from legal criminality of Wall Street are those who run our government, courts, and public policy. It's a revolving door between Goldman-Sachs and FedGov, for example.

    Interestingly, a nontrivially small fraction of the Occupy protestors are exactly the children of these high-class, govt sanctioned grafters, grifters, and scammers. The kids are just a different KIND of destructive assholes.

  11. If you want to get riled up good & proper, check this shit out:


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