
Friday, August 14, 2020

LA Times Claims Camping is Racist

The far-left Los Angeles Times published an entire article claiming minorities don’t camp because camping is racist.

While the stupidest article I’ve read in a long time (in an effort to combat fake news, I don’t link fake news) doesn’t come right out and say that — well, actually it does…


  1. More evidence the adults are not in charge anymore.

  2. Yeah, thats why they don't play hockey either - the ice is white, and everyone chases the black puck so they can whack it with a stick.
    C'mon man, if that ain't racist...

  3. So I'm insane for camping in a tent? Nice f**king talk from an asshole who seems to think a one-time cost of $250 is balanced by a monthly cost of (what was it?) $165? for 60 months? And "camps' by taking the equivalent of a house with him. Nothing against RV people-wish I could have one-and I can back one up-but it is not the same thing.
    The article is junk but this guy's rant doesn't help it.

    1. I've never even camped in a campground before, much less an RV. All my camping has been in the back country of the Sierras and half the time it wasn't even intentional - I just didn't make it back to the truck before dark.

    2. I recall something about a poncho liner involved.

    3. God. Ain't you afraid of getting nature all over your shoes?

    4. Spending $250 once on camping equipment is too much $$$ to afford for minorities, but a hair weave and fingernail 'sparklies' cost how much ? I'm sensing a person who is not thinking this out ...

    5. "but a hair weave and fingernail 'sparklies' cost how much ?"

      Bass Pro Shop doesn't take EBT, though.

  4. State parks, at least the ones we go to are full of Asians.
    Especially if they have neat things like waterfalls or scenic overlooks to photograph.

  5. This accusation apply to the 10,000 homeless street campers in Los Angeles?

    1. To qualify, you need to shit all over and leave needles.

    2. Gosh. Who doesn't do this?

  6. They seem to prefer the jungles of their ancestry or the concrete jungles of their birth.
    Bad enough we already have visitors to the parks that deface rocks & trees & leave trash everywhere, like you see in the city.
    Sure don't need more of that.

  7. Black co-worker when invited to go camping (drinking) with us in the Sierras.
    Aww HELL nah.
    Why not?
    You see I'm black?
    We don't camp.
    Why not?
    Woods, dark, bugs, animals. Just Hell no.

  8. When I go camping, it is not in a developed campground. But on Forest Service land, I will set up off the beaten path in "dispersed camping areas". Inevitably, if there is a Mexican family around, they will have to set up close to me and then cut down as much wood as they can find to build a bonfire. Not to mention play their noise all night long that they call music.

    I am convinced there is something primal deep inside blacks and mexicans that causes them to fear the wilds, lest they be dragged off by a lion or a jaguar and eaten.

  9. It's my dads fault I'm racist then because he raised be to love camping. I'm sure he's twisting in his grave because of this.

  10. Now we know where the CSULB student who claimed milk was racist in the school paper a few years ago went to get a job.
    I was an adult before I ever camped in in anything as nice as a tent. The most memorable was ten days in the Absaroka mountains with just a blanket.

  11. If they ever find out how easily they burn, look out!

  12. I read an article or blog post a few years back by a professor of some kind...anthropology, sociology, or other...where he gathered his observations of different peoples in Asia, the US and Canada (he was in Vancouver or Victoria BC) and their behavior and involvement with various activities, specifically leisure.
    He noticed that many minorities do not do many of the frivolous or risky things whites do such as camping, climbing, gardening for pleasure, fixing things, motor sports, hobbies, etc.
    He found that many are focused more with survival or other activities to get something done for a reason. (e.g. subsistence gardening v pleasure)
    Asians were more focused on doing things to better their position in life and do better, with some activities that would seem to be a hobby or pleasure, but actually still had a purpose (e.g playing a classical string instrument, chess\math club or other type of activity that contributed to a well rounded\educated person or that could lead to a career or help advance that cause)

    He was a bit surprised at these findings which he made over many years simply observing what people do when not actually working.

    I may not be paraphrasing it well and I could not find a link, although sure I saved it wether it made it to a new computer is the Q.

    Basically the premise was most minorities choose not to do many activities whites do for many reasons, but a lot based on how their brains functioned.


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