
Friday, August 21, 2020

Our BLM Jihadis

The Grampa Simpson “old man yells at cloud” meme is funny, to be sure. But leave it to black folks to go it one better by screaming at a lake.

Last month, “Afro-Latinx” singer-actress Naya Rivera drowned while swimming in Lake Piru in Ventura County, Calif. Rivera had grown up in the area; the lake was not unfamiliar to her. It was an accident, and nothing more. Still, a black life was “taken,” so a petition was created to “cancel” Lake Piru.

“Lake Piru needs to go down. Now and forever. It’s taken too many lives,” brayed signatory Erin Jordan. “Naya Rivera and others deserve fucking justice. Nobody deserves to fucking drown or possibly be dead bc of this river,” bellowed Linnell Lilliston. Other comments: “Shut this shit down please.” “The lake shouldn’t have the right to be open anymore.” “Shut this place down!!!” “This lake is very dangerous and a threat to people. Not a single death more.” “This place should be drained.” “Use it for drinking water or drain it completely.” “Shut down Lake Piru for good.”

Many of the 4,400 signatories simply chimed in with “justice NOW!” or “where’s the justice?” or “we need justice!”

How one can extract “justice” from a lake is unclear. What is clear is that the notion of yelling at clouds seemed ludicrous until a bunch of low-IQ lunatics began doing it for real.


  1. I thought this was a piece from The Onion????

    Its high time we thin out the gene pool folks. Sad but true. Time for Darwins laws to start kicking in.

  2. Interesting column but I take issue with the author’s contention that Trump and Barr are “doing nothing” about domestic terrorism as they kind of have their hands full with a lot of stuff right now and it’s up to local authorities to police local crime.

  3. This is the level of intelligence you get when listening to the descendants of an area with an average IQ of 70 such as Sub-Saharan Africa.

    Sad, but true.

  4. Chimps, baboons, etc, are kinda fun to watch, just be sure to maintain a safe distance as they truly are violent animals. Ask me how I know.


    1. West Edmonton mall was known for its glass animal enclosures were shoppers could stop to look at animals with their children.

      In the 80's they tried a small monkey troop. To keep it family friendly they decided on an all young male group.

      The display lasted 3 days before the mall covered the glass up so people couldn't see the monkeys. They were boted and started flinging poo at the glass and some would spend all day masterbating.

      They eventually replaced the monkeys with a giant geared clock with ball bearings on raceways.


  5. How about a protest drowning?

  6. There's no dealing with crazy - there's just locking it up and isolating it so it's not a danger to others.
    All of this is the result of some idiots in our society deciding that's too cruel.
    But not for the rest of us, evidently!

    1. "There's no dealing with crazy"

      Well, you say that...
      - Two famous 20th Century political leaders from Georgia and Austria

  7. Wlecome back to the Dark Ages.

    See also: Deodand

  8. Dam ray-cist lakes, anyway!

    ed in wa


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