
Friday, August 14, 2020

Paying homage to Florida Man


As Florida lifted coronavirus restrictions and the specter of interminable lockdown slowly faded, America’s cultural scapegoat and perhaps its last remaining jester took to the beach with his usual aplomb—Florida Man.

Unconstrained by self-doubt and the mockery of his supposed betters, Florida Man, surely unbeknownst to himself, reminded the country that America was not built on sheepish docility, but on a fearlessness bordering on idiocy. But as Florida Man reemerged, his bitter enemy, the overly credentialed and status obsessed “elite,” denounced his dangerous and misguided antics, reigniting the great cultural battle of our time: the brutes vs. the brains.


  1. Boy Florida of my youth, orange groves for miles and sugar cane too. The Glades were a beautiful place to swamp buggy or airboat in. Heck it was safe to visit Miami with your family.

  2. I must agree with the op-ed. As I am a proud Florida cracker. I don't have any one that I personally know that has or had the china flu. I only wear a mask when I absolutely have to due to work. A"mask is like catching a shovel full of sand with a chain link fence". Have you ever seen a surgery where these kind of masks are worn? I don't live in any of the big cities any more, pretty rural, but have been to the beaches and restaurants and have had no issues. But, yes we don't listen to the elites and their nonsense, and never will. I'm a free man and will live my life that way.
    God bless America

    1. Same here, although my once-rural area is now just part of the giant suburb that is destroying our once-great state.

      It sucks that the assmonkeys who move here from their northern shitholes bring their same mindsets (and votes) that turned their former homes into said shitholes.

  3. Find a copy of Richard P. Powell’s 1959 “Pioneer, Go Home!” Toby Kwimper was Florida Man before the name was first written. Toby doesn’t have a lot of learning, but he has more than his share of smarts. Columbinia in the book is the Florida I hoped to be moving to almost 16 years ago, when my wife and my daughter told me we were moving to Florida. From Texas. There were good reasons, having to do with age and living near one of our children. Our daughter won, because she was the only one no longer on active duty. Read the book. It’s the Florida we all would like to be real.

  4. I've been campaigning for years to get the Yankees and the "progressives" to stay the fuck away from here, speaking of the multiple problems, dangers, and insanity that so obviously exists here....alas, to no avail.....they still show up with their inane ideas and deranged politics, pining for things that were left behind in whatever northern shithole they came from....please return to wherever you emerged....


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