
Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Police Officers Were Compared to Slave Owners and KKK Members in an Assignment Given at a Texas School

An assignment given to students at a Texas school included a political cartoon comparing police officers to slave owners and Klu Klux Klan members, the Fort Worth Star-Telegram reported.

The cartoon reportedly depicted five scenes, allegedly starting with a slave ship officer who was kneeling on a black man’s neck and ended with a police officer kneeling on a black man’s neck with text saying “I can’t breathe,” the Star-tribune reported.


  1. Neal Boortz once said that the NEA (National Education Assoc) presents a greater threat to America than Al-Qaeda and this BS is a prime example. There's no way I would subject my kids to a "public" indoctrination like this and to add insult to injury, we have to PAY for it through property taxes.

  2. The Commie full court press is on. Too bad only one team is using the tactic.

    1. Join us tonight for a special repeat performance of the Republican Party Symphony Orchestra playing it's best known hits:
      "Not Who We Are"
      "Can't Sink To Their Level"
      "We Have Families And Jobs"
      "We Obey The Law"
      and closing the show with Bing Crosby's "I Surrender, Dear"

  3. I'm sure the next assignment will include a cartoon of teachers diddling the kiddies at various stages of their school career.

  4. The illustration left out the Arabs and Fellow Wakandans selling Wakandans.

  5. Bet they didn't want the parents to see that shit!

  6. There should be a site that allows people to delete 911 from their phones so it isn't accidentally dialed. I wonder how many would exercise this if were an option.

  7. So just how much are parents going to take from these grossly overpaid communist puke teachers?

  8. Another story I read was from a dad who discovered his 7 yr old daughter was being taught whites are bad and mean. The school, and probably others, is using a book titled "Seperate is Never Equal" that is based on the author's life growing up as a child in Westminster, CA in 1947 !!!
    As if life is exactly the same now as in 1947, sheesh.
    He pulled his daughter from the school which more people need to do.


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