
Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Regardless of who is elected, it'll be civil war

With one exception, the wars in which the United States has engaged since its inception involved our nation against one or more external adversaries. That exception, the American Civil War (1861-1865), still elicits an emotional response among our citizens due to the inherent tragedy connected to a nation at war with itself – the whole "brother against brother" dynamic that is recalled whenever discussions of this conflict arise.

One less common aspect of our Civil War (as compared to other nations that have endured civil wars) is that America was geographically divided at the time by the Mason-Dixon line, which divided the Union and Confederate states. This more resembled traditional military conflicts with external adversaries, and has colored many Americans' idea of what a civil war is like. Unlike our Civil War, civil wars in most nations generally involve disparate or dissident factions fighting against each other and/or whatever regime is holding power.


  1. It won't last long and it will be regional.

    1. Given that wars are fought by the young and that Traditional America has very few young on its side, it might be very short indeed.

  2. Yeah, maybe it will go kinetic and maybe it won't. It pays to be prepared no matter what happens. Gear up, get to know your neighbors, discern who you can and can't trust, stock food, water, ammo, and silver and be prepared at a moment's notice to drop the civilized mask and let your inner barbarian come out. And stay physically and spiritually fit.

  3. Agreed. The USPS will bear a major brunt, each side accusing the post office of either hiding / destroying ballots or purposefully delaying them so that they will not be counted. The Democrats are already accusing the Postmaster of causing delays in planned updates. The Trump campaign are already floating the idea of LUSPS employs who have already declared support for the Democrat campaign of ballot tampering (though how an employee would be able to tell which ballots are which is still up for debate).

    Gonna be a mess, definitely worse than 2016. There will likely be more than one recount no matter what is the result.

    1. If you are a member of the Democrat or Republican Party, your ballot has either an R or a D in the number at the bottom of the envelope.

    2. That was also video from the recent primary's, that is to ensure you get the right ballot. Not saying the letter carrier wont toss your ballot in the trash if you have a Trump sticker on your car or yard sign.

  4. People who do not know what this is

    Should not threaten civil war against those who do

    1. Good to carry one as a spare, one of the parts on it usually gets lost or broken.

      I've seen bolt faces get broken and weapons lockup as well. Nothing like having to beat a chambered rifle on the concrete to get it working again. (USMC stuff)

      - Arc

  5. I have wondered why these civilian armies I read about up in the hills haven't done anything yet. Maybe they just want to be left alone which is cool or maybe they are just talk. I dunno. It seems what the left is doing is a direct threat to what they are all about. A few well place claymores, a couple 60's on either end of the crowd with a scattering of M16's on the flanks with a few bloopers sure would quell the disruption. I figure it would take thirty seconds tops, leave the weapons behind and then disappear.

    1. Or maybe it's like Captain John Parker said at the Old North Bridge, hold your fire until you see the whites of their eyes.

  6. So we as a nation get to experience something new, a civil war based on disparate feelings and marxist dissidents that if they won the war wouldn't know how to change a light bulb or fix the plumbing... I say bring it, now is the time to eliminate that what is not healthy and disruptive.

  7. It will probably be long and it will definitely be ugly. Don't make the mistake of underestimating your opponent. That is the quickest way to wind up dead. Ask Chinese Gordon or George Custer about it.

  8. Just remember that despite the fact that our side supports law and order the "law" will not be on our side. The left controls most of the levers of power and they will be brought to bear against US!

  9. Replies
    1. Err... aren’t they bringing it on right now in Louisville, Kenosha, MEP, Portland etc? Go get some Ritchie!

    2. Err... aren’t they bringing it on right now in Louisville, Kenosha, MEP, Portland etc? Go get some Ritchie!

  10. I read somewhere that every empire that has existed throughout world history has lasted 200 to 300 years. So, do the math. Our time is coming to an end.

  11. If the left gets what they want- a 'civil' war- it will be the end of all leftists, from the politicians to the media hacks to the teachers of leftist propaganda to the pornographers and the abortionists. Millions of dead and years of blood. You have been warned, leftists.

    1. What you propose is what I have been saying for years; what's coming will be more like the 1789 French Revolution. Think about it, in order to ensure you get them all, you'll have to go door to door. In most cases that also means dragging them out of their homes. Then, how do you know if they really are who they say they are? You better double back to be sure.

      Because you can't really trust anyone, you'll have to regularly monitor everyone's activities. Who is monitoring you? And why are those people all of a sudden tired of the whole affair? That they've been at it for so long or that they're tired of So. Much. Blood are not good enough reasons. Better take them in, which is to say, shoot them.

      Add skin color, age, gender, where born, where lived, how educated, how wealthy, religious and political views as items of divisions. It will be shoot or be shot. Then watch out your own tribe don't shoot you as a traitor.

      The few who sat it out who are pulling the strings will be the only winners. So, instead of shooting the guy in the streets, target those who foment the unrest. Bonus: French Revolution-style killings is avoided.

    2. If you are honest about it, it is easy to determine who is a commie who needs to be expelled from society. Do they want to "change the world" ? Replace our society as it was envisioned by our founding fathers with something else with equal outcomes for everyone ? Do they oppose free speech for everyone ? Do they enforce political correctness ? Do they disdain logic ? Scientific principles ? Grammar ? Testing ? Those are some clues. Leave race out of it. There are all races on our side and all races on the communist/socialist side- they must all be expelled from America. Killing them is optional depending on if THEY insist on a war. I personally dread and fear a war, even though our chances of winning it would be very high.

  12. One issue I don't see mentioned is poll workers. The people counting the ballots will, reportedly, be checking signatures. They will know, for each ballot received, if the sender is D or R. It would be easy to cheat. This R voter's signature does not match. Is this a R voter; in the shredder: we never saw it or it arrived "too late" to be counted. Or, perhaps, the R ballot is not legibly marked. Or, it is tallied incorrectly because of a clerical error. This system is rife for abuse.

    In 2016, the Michigan tally was challenged. There was a single precinct in Detroit in which 650 (approx) votes were reported for Hillary. When the ballot box was opened, there were less than 350 ballots in the box. The election officials said that some ballots had failed on the first pass through the counting machines and had to be recounted; they supposed that the machine had not been properly reset to invalidate the original read. The funny thing is that the original 650 number was kept after the recount because some obscure MI law says that the original count cannot be challenged on the grounds of not having enough ballots to substantiate the count. Corrupt to the core. There were similar reports in other precincts as well.

  13. Looks like I might have my wish granted to die in a hail of gunfire surrounded by a pile of spent brass, rather than this colon cancer.

    Clock is ticking.


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