
Sunday, August 02, 2020

Sunday Video 4


  1. Been a few years since I could skate like that. Been a few pounds too.

  2. Teddy's rolling now most every night
    Skatin' backwards at the speed of light
    He's changed - in a thousand little ways
    He's changed - yes indeed
    You know he's movin' on metal, yes he's
    Hanging tight with the Jack of Speed

    Sheena's party - there's a case in point
    That right-wing hooey sure stunk up the joint
    He's gone - he walks through the old routines
    But he's gone - guaranteed
    He may be sittin' in the kitchen, but he's
    Steppin' out with the Jack of Speed

    You maybe got lucky for a few good years
    But there's no way back from there to here
    He's a one way rider
    On the shriek express
    And his new best friend is at the throttle more or less

  3. Worked at a skating rink back in college. Mostly Jr high kids but occasionally, Cougar time !!

  4. What's with the goat?

    1. Looks like you won the scavenger hunt. I thought maybe you had commented on the wrong post and looked again, sure enough looks like Amad is trying to teach his girlfriend hoe to roller skate, otherwise wtf?

    2. Girlfriend on date

  5. Very nice.
    I'm going to have to work out why google isn't letting me post as my google account. It's been that way here for some time. Yeah, well it's kicking my ass.


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