
Friday, August 14, 2020

Teachers Fear Parents Overhearing the Leftist Brainwashing During Virtual Classroom Sessions

Leftist teachers aren’t happy that you can now hear them programming your child with social justice ideology.

The left owns our public education system due to years of infiltration, coercion, and strong-arming. They’ve apparently become so comfortable and cocky in the position that they’re now openly complaining that you’ll now be able to hear their attempts at brainwashing your children.

Apparently, you being involved in what your child learns bothers these teachers.


  1. If you can, homeschool. Most teachers today are not there to educate children, but to indoctrinate them.

    There are resources available for a classical education online. Teach your children how to read, how to reason, and the elements of logic. This will allow them to learn for the rest of their lives.


    1. And history. Teach them history.

  2. This is the greatest thing you can ever do for you kids. Get them to hell out of public school. I have a neighborhood family that both parents work hard. Their kid, a six grader is great, Inquisitive, great concepts and the questions he asks show he is eager for knowledge. During the shut down they got more involved with their kids studies. The kid was reading to the father and he laughed and said ok quite pulling the old mans leg. These parents soon learned the six grader was reading at about a fourth grade level. All his grades said he was an A,B student. The bar is so low! In the last five months I assure you that kid reading has much improved. Now they are pursuing other resources. Many of my friends home schooled and most their kids are either graduated from college or in college. They are wonderful young folks and no under water basket weaving for them. They were or are in college to pursue a carrier and be challenged. I was many places in the community when working. I saw these parents and their children in court rooms, school board meetings, Town Board meetings learning how their community worked. This was part of the curricula. I even seen these kids in grocery stores on a budget and had to plan and purchase the foods for the family meals. Not necessarily do the preparation but all the rest they had to do on their own of course under the auspice of mom or dad. For sports, they played ball in the parks, little league, they were able to play on all school teams if they wanted too, skiing, ballet, biking, hiking, swimming, music and the list goes on. If I had kids today they would never see the inside of a public school. They are liberal indoctrination camps.

  3. Time to tune-up some teachers.

  4. +1 to homeschooling.

    You can even supplement the course material with stuff you dig up on your own and ensure a more complete education. Just make sure the kids gets to socialize with their own peer group as well and that its actual socialization like hands on contact wrestling or D&D night.

    If I decide to have kids one day, I'll probably pay them for good grades. Likewise for extra homework I prescribe, essays, etc. 95% of school is useless knowledge and they won't appreciate practical knowledge unless they get a direct benefit from it and make it worth their time.

    I'm actually teaching myself chemistry and re-learned everything I should have learned in highschool; just started the chapter on binary acids. Self-teaching is best teaching and if you teach kids to teach themselves with extra curricular resources like stack-exchange, they will be set for life. I didn't get taught a lot of reason and such, education killed curiosity for me and it took years for it to come back.

    Keep in mind, college courses and books are available for free online, as are grade and highschool books. If anyone is tempted to attend college for something, it may be of great benefit to work through a college level book or two first, then attend.

    As for teacher, they are not equal. Some are full blown professors in their field(s), others are substitute teachers with a certification, etc.

    Arc :)

    1. D&D is a great way to explore alternate rules to reality. What if we lived under socialism? What would happen to the store/bar/hotel that you run?

      Family friends home schooled. Mom had modified Monopoly so that there were three different sets of rules: standard (capitalist), socialist, and communist. Great teaching tool.

      The idiots in California actually did my kids a minor favor in that they tried communist math: the kids took "group quizzes". Only one kids quiz was taken to be graded for everyone in the group. My kids learned to hate communism at that point.

  5. The time is ripe for the toppling of teacher's unions and the draining of power from the massive educrat mafia that runs public schools. Worthless teachers need to be fired-Walmart can use extra stockers and floor sweepers.

    If anything in this country needs defunding it is public education. There are better ways for our kids to obtain meaningful knowledge and valuable life skills. School vouchers, parental choice, and competitive school choices are a good start.

  6. Hardly a day goes by that I don’t read at least one thing that makes me even more glad we decided to homeschool. Fuck these people and their nonsense.


  7. This!

    If they want your child to learn by computer, YOU should choose the program. Reach out to your state homeschooling organizations, your church, your neighbors. How many are thinking just like you?

    Grandma and Grandpa, maybe you should talk to your sons and daughters about what you can do to help?

  8. I'm thinking with almost 50 million people out of work, standard of living to bare minimum, there'll be lots opting for home schooling.

  9. We home schooled our two kids all the way to graduation. I worked my butt off so my wife could stay home and teach. Best thing we ever did for our two kids. Both are very successful now and are wonderful adults. Most areas have home school groups that offer support and help if needed. My wife now helps my daughter teach our two grandsons. It's a wonderful thing. Thank the Lord we went that route.


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