
Thursday, August 13, 2020

The COVID coup

Panicked by fears manufactured by the ruling class, the American people assented to being put essentially under house arrest until further notice, effectively suspending the habits, preferences, and liberties that had defined our way of life. Most Americans have suffered economic damage. Many who do not enjoy protected status have had careers ended and been reduced to penury. Social strains and suicides multiplied. Forcibly deferring all manner of medical care is sure to impose needless suffering and death. In sum, the lockdowns’ medical and economic dysfunctions make for multiples of the deaths and miseries of the COVID-19 virus itself.


  1. Angelo is characteristically thorough. This is easily one of the longest reads that is worthy of your time. We have been well and truly had :-(.

    1. Most of us haven't been "had." We've been FORCED into this ridiculous "flatten the curve" scenario. I don't need to read word one of that article to know that much.

      I live in a town if 80K. Since the BEGINNING of this farce, there have been 37 deaths "attributed" to Kung Flu. ...That's 37 people out of 80,000, ...since FEBRUARY. Note that you won't see tabulations similar to the "gospel" of the Johns Hopkins website for the flu, suicides, drug and alcohol-related deaths, diabetes, or the like. Reason; "they" don't want you to see how minuscule the number of Covid deaths are, compared to other causes of death over the same period of time.

      I had an over-the-moon Rachael Maddow addict tell me that Kung Flu was going to be DOOMSDAY. ...I'm still waiting...

      What I find scary is the number of otherwise smart people who have consumed the Kool Aid here...

    2. I didn't read the whole article, but I read enough to get the jist. Pete, I live in a city of 100K, since the start of this fiasco, we've had 784 cases TOTAL or less than 1/10 of 1% of the entire city population. Of those 784 cases 38 have died or 4.8% of the cases or .00038 of the city population. Of those that died 30 were nursing home residents in two residences in the city and they died early on. I think it was the end of February. So since the end of February there have been 8 deaths. Yet, it wasn't until mid June when restaurants and bars were "allowed" to re-open and then only for outdoor dining. Most drinking establishments in the city are also restaurants or have always had some kind of food available.

      The good news is that lying Fraud Fauci is on the outs, already or in the process of being replaced on the White House Covid task force by Dr. Scott Atlas, a Hoover Institute public health policy wonk. Atlas has been pretty vocal, almost from the start, that the direction that the country was headed in with the lockdowns was ENTIRELY wrong.

      'Course that gives the Demonrats another avenue of attack against Trump, so it probably won't be official until after the election. I can't wait for November 4th when Fauci and a crap ton other traitors are given their walking papers.

  2. I just lost a cousin to "COVID" he didn't have covid but trying to access medical attention to a serious lung infection took too long. He got behind the power curve and couldn't recover. we buried him last week.

  3. This is the worse failure of Donald Trumps administration, not that I can offer an alternative course that he could have followed. A business hoax would not have gotten past him, but for a medical crisis he surely had to listen to "The Experts". Who all told him what we now know to have been exaggerations at best, lies at worst.
    Then before he could have gotten his feet under himself, take control and move us in another direction; the Anarchist Insurrection got thrown at him. Proceeding it all, the fake Impeachment.
    They stopped him cold for the last year of his first term, and removed the otherwise certainty of his reelection.
    At what a cost to the country.

  4. The oompah loompah tyrant governess of New Mexico said that she wants to keep all the restrictions in place, even after the plandemic is over...

  5. plandemic. i like that new word

    1. Then you'll love...


  6. No one ever said that Agenda 21 would be pretty...


    Vaccines will cause adverse health effects due to no trials, obesity will severely limit effectiveness, vaccines are best guess and minimally effective for the annual flu, there isn't a vaccine for AIDS 4 decades on etc etc.

    Sweden was the role model (but they should have isolated the vulnerable).
    All over now...


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