
Tuesday, August 18, 2020

The shit you see in class these days

INDIANTOWN — Donald L. Williams shot his ex-girlfriend multiple times Tuesday morning in a home where a 10-year-old girl took classes online at Warfield Elementary School, Sheriff William Snyder said.

Williams, 27, was taken into custody roughly 40 minutes after the fatal incident, which was reported just after 8 a.m., in the 14700 block of Southwest 173rd Avenue.

Snyder said Williams shot ex-girlfriend Maribel Morales-Rosado, 32, in front of several children in the home. He is suspected to have used a handgun stolen in 2015 in a Sewall’s Point vehicle burglary.


  1. Say what you like about Florida, we don’t let anything like a stupid lockdown to interfere with school shootings

  2. Another 'news' feed shutting down their comments section. All of them seem to be going to (((facebook))), so the commenters cannot be anonymous.


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