
Wednesday, August 05, 2020

VMI tells snowflakes to go piss up a rope

LEXINGTON, Va. (WSET) — Virginia Military Institute's superintendent announced this week that the school won't remove Confederate statues or rename any buildings named after Confederate leaders.

In a seven-page letter written by the school's superintendent on Wednesday, Ret. Gen. J.H. Bindford Peay III said some of the college's African American cadets and alumni have expressed that parts of the VMI experience did not live up to their standards.


  1. Hopefully he decides to run for Gov of the ONCE great state of Virginia

  2. Chickenshit bitch writer. "Peay *says* Jackson served the school..." [emphasis mine].

    No shit-for-brains, the Superintendent didn't just "say" that, Jackson *was* an instructor and professor there.

    1. Maybe they can use the African Americans to hold the rifle range targets.

  3. I laud the stand of Ret. Gen. J.H. Bindford Peay III. I hope he orders a 100% 24/7 alert since the zombies will now be drawn to VMI like maggots to a gut wagon.

  4. Hopefully, he can withstand the impending onslaught as everyone from the media to the General Assembly tries to force his removal "by any means necessary."

    Finally, someone left in my once great State with the courage to publicly rebuke them.

  5. If they don't like it they are free to leave....I'm guessing the ones bitching the loudest are attending for free....

  6. Toss out the -Americans and march on. Good for him.

  7. If everyone refused to buy into this shit, it would go away.

    1. Exactly. This cancel culture bullshit has gone on far too long. I was extremely impressed that Trader Joe's reversed their original stance on changing the names of their ethnically titled products. One, read that again, ONE 17 year old teenage girl got her panties all in a knot over Trader Jose etc. names in Trader Joe's product line.

      What these snowflakes need is a good punch in the face.

      Why can't people JUST MIND THERE OWN FOOKIN business?


    2. I bet her parents let her run wild and although she's way overdue for a spanking, it's way too late now. Only the skool of hard knocks has any chance to straighten her out by this point and I wouldn't put much faith in it happening.


    3. Meh. Probably doesn't even have panties to knot. (picturing that ugly bag of s__t the went ballistic in a 7-11 last year, cuz wrong pronouns).
      Saw the opportunity to be a social media celebrity, and ran with it.

  8. Poor snowflakes, didn't live up to their standards?
    They can tear up the degree and get a job at McDonald's.

  9. Pretty sure most of those africans didn't meet the standards of VMI, either. But, to call attention to that fact would be, you guessed it, rayciss. Best just to pass them, graduate them, and let the next poor sap deal with it.

    1. Absolutely not. This man took a stand for what is right and I applaud him. I am tired of dealing with people who get a pass because someone else didn't want to impart values and knowledge. The parents won't do it, how about mandatory military service from now on? Teach them responsibilities and values and who knows, perhaps there will be some diamonds in the rough.

  10. Don't get all riled up. VMI has a long history of caving to Leftward drift. They just need to futily complain about it first. Then they will get reminded who writes their paychecks.


  11. I suppose they did their due diligence before applying and then whine that it wan't up to their expatations.

  12. don't give him too much credit. he wanted to cave but the board, alumni, and cadets balked. he's old and has gotten enamored with people in power. he invited lord northam to speak at graduation but the cadets threatened to walk out of their own ceremony. he still moved the main entrance to another location with no statue to downplay Jackson's role at vmi. don't know how he's gonna get by the eleven dead confederates buried on campus though, lol.

  13. Rather than complaining all the time, why do A-Americans not buckle down and concentrate on improving themselves?

  14. Truth be known, some of the college's African American cadets did not live up to VMI's standards.

  15. Best just to pass them, graduate them, and let the next poor sap deal with it.

    Unfortunately that's true. My father was a professor of engineering at a top 10 school. He used to get called in to the Dean's office wherein the Dean personally would "encourage" Dad to allow certain students to pass his class despite falling far short of the grades needed. Invariably these students were Black. Eventually Dad and his colleagues used to say to each other, "If it's brown, we gotta flush it down." By "flush" they meant send on down the pipeline to the next (more advanced) class, not flunk. When I was a little kid I didn't understand what Dad was talking about. The two Black families in our neighborhood were much like anyone else. Then I hit junior high school and met large numbers of stupid, violent, entitled Blacks from the other side of town. THAT was the real value of a public school education.

    why do A-Americans not buckle down and concentrate on improving themselves?
    Boy, that's a question that can't be answered directly! Let's put it this way. Why aren't there Chinese linebackers and NBA starters? I don't care how much midnight basketball and free football clinics you put in Chinatown. The ability is simply not there. No matter how hard a 5'6" guy weighing 135 lbs tries, he's not going to play in the NFL. Not more than one play, anyway, because after that he'll be on a stretcher going to hospital for multiple broken ribs.

  16. Allowing students to pass when they’re not qualified endangers everyone. The bridge at Florida International that pancaked onto the highway below killed six people. NTSB laid the blame on load and capacity calculation errors made by the engineers. In my memory, this type of thing is very rare. But as diversity is becoming more valuable than actual ability, I fear it will be more common.


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