
Tuesday, August 04, 2020

Your Feel-Good Video of the Day

- Kent


  1. because everyone deserves 35 warnings...

  2. Fucked around and found out! FAFO!

  3. What is it? 20 feet with a knife and then stop them? She fucked up, but maybe she was just looking for a clear lane to shoot.

    1. She clearly did NOT want to shoot this guy. In today's environment of anti-police, this officer hesitated. Most likely she was way more concerned with the fallout and ramifications of a lengthy IA investigation then with her own safety. I have been in this exact same position as a cop. Some young teenage thug coming at me with a knife. I drew my weapon, and like this officer, kept backing up, trying desperately to spare the kid's life. I was in no way concerned about being didn't even enter my mind. I worked for an agency that opened IA investigations on its officer for the most minor of offenses, and knew I would be put through absolute hell if I shot this kid. I ended up reholstering, and going to OC spray and disarmed the punk. Of course, I ended up in IA anyway, accused of every racist thing he and his family (who were not even present at the time) could think of. I should have shot the thug for the trouble I had to go through anyway. At least it would have been one less story of lies told against me.

      At one point during this video, you can hear this officer's voice start to break, as if she was fighting back tears. She knew that she was going to have to kill this guy and she did not want to go through that trauma. Of course, many of us say that they can shoot and kill someone who allegedly deserved it, and sleep like a baby afterwards. Believe me, that is NOT the case. Even the toughest of cops cannot take a life and not have it affect them in some way. After all, what do we know about this asshole with the knife? He must have a family. He may be someone's dad. And maybe just maybe, he had a hell of a shitty day and was not thinking clearly. Maybe he was a decent man who loved his family, coached his son's baseball team, volunteered his time at his church, and helped little old ladies cross the road, and just ran into some bad luck. He might have gotten fired, found out his wife was planning to leave him, that his daughter was caught up in the world of drugs, or anything else horrible, and he snapped, and somehow thought he would be better off dead. We don't know this, and all we know is that someone has made the worst decision of his life and decided to end it by suicide by cop. That is NOT what any cop wants to live with.

      I hope this officer comes out of this on the other side okay. You can see that she clearly cared. She was not your typical cop with the macho BS attitude ready to assume everyone deserves a beating. She gave it her best effort and in the end, had to make that horrible choice. She should know she was not left with one...that she went above and beyond...circling her patrol vehicle how many times practically pleading with the guy to put down the knife. I applaud her and wish her nothing but the best.

      I've been was not an easy decision.

  4. Play stupid games.
    Talk about giving someone EVERY chance to not get themselves shot - she shouldn't have any trouble with IA at all - and it was all on video - beautiful.

    1. She would if the dead dude had a premier-level membership in the 'Muh Diversity' club.

  5. Applause!!!!!

  6. She has the patience of a saint.

  7. That officer knows how to keep a cool head. And no mag dump. One and done. Everyone I've ever talked to who has been shot accidentally or on purpose says that same exact thing. "THAT FUCKING HURT!" LOL

  8. Good thing the perp was a white male or the town would soon be in flames.

  9. I'd REALLY applaud if she'd shot him in the 'nads . . . or the tongue.

  10. Waited longer than I would. And I wouldn't have backed up, especially so fast. Pure luck she didn't trip or stumble over an object on the ground and then have him on top of her.

    Out of curiosity, where was he hit? Extra points for centerline. She also gets points for squeezing off a single shot. Those videos of five or six cops each emptying a mag into some 95 pound Somalian and missing with 95% of the rounds are embarassing.

    Good job.
    PS He was white ... just checking.

  11. Suicide by cop, plain and simple.

    1. "Brouseau is expected to survive his injuries."
      You know you're a loser when you even fail at 'suicide by cop'.

    2. Yes, he clearly wanted to commit suicide by cop. I hope he got his wish, and died.

      On the off chance that the guy wanted to hurt someone (besides himself), he had plenty of opportunities to do so. This cop was waaay too patient. She shot have shot him much, much earlier, after a warning or two. No reason the endanger the lives of innocent bystanders. Bravo for the one-shot-stop, though!

      /A former cop, who's been in this exact situation a few times.

  12. Awfully close, for far too long, and after all that it took just one shot. I'd have made a sieve out of him after warning #2, and considered that generous.

    1. Especially after he'd used the magic phrase "I'm gonna fucking kill you".

      When armed people in close proximity tell me that, I believe them .

    2. WHITE SUSPECT: Bang....single shot fired, man down.

      BLACK SUSPECT: Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang (reload) Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang (reload)...

      OTHER COPS ARRIVE AND JOIN IN...Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang (multiple reloading) Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang (Dispatch, send SWAT and we need more ammo)Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang click click click (out of ammo), Multiple units move in with batons "GET ON THE GROUND!!!" Thump Thump, whack, whack, thump, whack, thump, thump "STOP RESISTING"....THUMP THUMP THWACK THUMP...

      (Sorry...couldn't resist)

  13. Well done by the officer. But one must wonder why he went over the cliff. Sick of the BLM? Went bonkers over the Covid crap? Tired of seeing Businesses looted and burned? Fed up with AOC and her fellow America haters and their treasonous conduct? A combination of them all? Got drunk and lost control? The lid is coming off folks.... get ready.

  14. Meth, alcohol and stupidity - The Pearly gates Highball.

    1. Ha!

      That's a good one! I'm stealing that line.

      But tell me - shaken or stirred?

  15. B-but...but...why didn't she just shoot the knife out of his hand? My goodniss. She didn't have to shoot him...Why didn't she holster her gun and pull out a knife to make it a fair fight? This is so un-FAY-errr!

  16. Bless this officer for doing an excellent job!

  17. A lot going on there. One of the determining factors to be considered would be her back drop. She fired right at the store. Re holstering her weapon was all bad. All in all a good job under a lot of pressure.

  18. The Officer waited way too long to take the shot.

  19. Why was the video so short? We were denied the right to watch this low life bleed out.

  20. I don't know why she waited so long before she shot, but I'm not going to criticize or argue with a successful outcome. One shot and he's down, and likely to recover.

    It's possible the man was mentally ill, off his prescribed medication (because why take it if you're feeling okay?) and was self-medicating on beer and pot - or something.

    My congratulations to the officer for a good shoot.

  21. Lady cop did a fine job.

    Only nits are her instinctive reholstering, as a suspect has to be secured before being considered not a threat and taking her eyes off the perp when the backup talked to her.

    Nice discipline in a single downing shot. She remember her goal was to neutralize a threat, not to act as an executioner. I'm a bit surprised at no double-tap as many shooters train heavily that way.

    I'm a bit surprised that the backup unit was fussing around rather than acting. Perhaps that is because of the limited perspective of the cameras?

    As the backup appears to have gotten out of a passenger side door, was there one more officer involved we didn't even see?

    Whatever the reason for the perps actions, the suspect really lucked out he wasn't terminated on the spot.

    Would be curious if investigation found it was an attempted suicide-by-cop, if the perp was on drugs or what was the motivation for attempting a knife-against-gun charge against a trained gun handler?

    Watching again I feel like it wasn't that real, as in my mind the perp would have taken two to center of mass and one to the head, along with at least one shot from my backup.

  22. Personally, I think she delayed trying to get a solid backstop before the shot. And yes, too long, but she did what she had to. Well done to her!

  23. The guy isn't dead as of this moment. He's expected to survive and be charged with all the appropriate charges.
    She has 1(ONE!) year of service. Kudos to her. I agree with others here, until he charged at her that way at the end, she was going to give him every chance to quit being stupid.

  24. This is a good illustration of why I could not be a cop. At about the second warning or at least at the "I'm gonna kill you!" threat from that asshole, I would have shot him multiple times just because he pissed me off. If it was an attempted suicide by cop, then I would have gladly helped him on his way and slept like a baby that night. Like I said, I couldn't be a cop. I don't have the right attitude.

  25. Not enough training for cops in martial arts and non lethal disarming.
    Send in Vladimir Vasiliev (Russian knife martial artist) 😊

  26. I didn't hear sirens till she called in the shooting.

  27. She had zero command of the situation - all the while attempting to exert command of the situation. She let her gun do the talking because she could not. Endlessly repeating the same command and getting the same response is stupidly mind numbing. Then she showed fear. Fear in her crackling voice, fear in her inability to say anything other than repetitiously droning on and on and on, 'Put the knife down.' Obviously he had it up to here with some female trying to boss him around. Confronted with real courage (him advancing with a gun drawn on him) she literally backed down. Then again, maybe he is a wife beater. Women - especially as unprepared as this one - should not engage in hostile situations.

    1. Zero command? The guy was aggressive, zero compliant, he, not she escalated the situation, nobody could have talked him down and he was going to eventually hurt somebody. She handled it great, kudos to her and I hope she is at peace with the shooting. I hope she knows the public supports her.

  28. Agency couldn't afford Tasers?


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