
Monday, September 07, 2020

Aptly named


  1. don't bother heating up the house with the oven to cook that chicken, just use the dashboard of your pickup and an oven bag to keep the splatter down.

  2. I was in Death Valley in March of '73 when it was 122° at 9 in the morning. Just passing through in an old Power Wagon with no A/C, of course.
    That was back when I was young and 'Like a Rock'.

  3. How can one even get enough air to breathe at that temp? Gotta be like to trying to breathe in a blast furnace.


    1. It’s a dry heat ! 😂 😂
      All kidding aside the humidity that day
      was between 5% and 8%

    2. Wear a mask, preferably a black one. The added cachet for hipness actually reduces your brain's need for oxygen.

    3. what does he need a mask for? Covid can't exist in that heat.

  4. Yesterday (9/6/20) it was 121° in Woodland Hills Ca setting the all time high temperature in Los Angeles county I’m surprised the governor didn’t hand out free air-conditioning to all the illegal aliens !

  5. It was 121 here yesterday; had to use both A/C units to keep cool! Another $300 power bill.

  6. Once it gets over 120, you don't notice it anymore. But that face diaper. Why?

    1. That's bullshit. I was born and raised along the Gulf Coast. I thrive in high humidity. The 20 years I lived in Ventura, CA had it's few perks, like warm-ish winters. But I could not function in the deserts. Once the temp went over 110 F with zero humidity, my lungs were burning up. Thanks, but I will take my 100 degree days and 98% humidity any day over the west coast.

  7. At Furnace Creek there is a Five Star Resort. There is also a golf course which presents a good challenge. There is a runway. A river (under ground) runs through it. There is an orchard of date palms. There is a community pool but only for employees and guests.

    But everyone who knows, knows not to go there between early May and mid- to late-September. But the German tourists don't know that. Or maybe they just don't care. It's the weirdest thing: a bus-full of rotund, pale Germans turning beet red as they simmer in the heat. They absolutely delight in it! And they keep coming back, year after year after year.


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