
Friday, September 04, 2020

As Americas Culture Suicides-By-Woke, a New Dark Age Looms

In February, New York was the world’s most dynamic metropolis. By August, the city was more like the ruins of Ephesus. It is not all that hard to blow up a culture. You can do it in a summer if you haven’t much worry about others.

When you loot and burn a Target in an hour, it takes months to realize there are no more neighborhood Target-stocked groceries, toilet paper, and Advil to buy this winter.

You can in a night assault the police, spit at them, hope to infect them with the coronavirus, and even burn them alive. But when you call 911 in a few weeks after your car is vandalized, your wallet is stolen, and your spouse is violent, and no one comes, only then do you sense that you earlier were voting for a pre-civilized wilderness.


  1. Damn, that was depressing, very informative, but depressing. Oh well, like in Monty Python’s movie “Life of Brian”, you have to “Always Look on the Bright Side of Life“.

  2. The sad things are 2. They want it. They thing they are the most dangerous creature out there.
    They're pretty damned stupid

  3. How ironic is it that I found this in the morning feed (long read but worth it):

    Victor Davis Hansen’s column is absolutely spot on.

    1. I was born in Athens and grew up a few miles away. Some of the older men in my church were World War II veterans and were involved in the battle. I guess after facing down Hitler and Tojo, they weren’t inclined to take any BS from a small town sheriff.

  4. Why is it that every time I read one of VDH's essays I find myself quietly nodding in agreement as I read along? The man is brilliant.
    As was Ronald Reagan, who spoke of losing freedom in one generation and entering 'a thousand years of darkness'.

  5. I love VDH but ... all of this is intuitively obvious to anyone paying even a little bit of attention. Who is he writing this for? The pedo shouting "SHOOT ME N***A!"? The screeching commie nuts in Portlandia/Kenosha/New York/Chicago/...?
    If you need awareness, your 3 or 4 years behind the times. If VDH wants to write about better ways to zero, better lubricants for firearms, or how to stay motivated for the cluster**** that is coming I'll read it breathlessly.

    1. Like most of the Right's "leadership," he's an idea guy, not implementation.

  6. They (?) say that up to 40% of blacks are borderline retarded by the measure of their IQ. Add to this at least 80% of college students and college graduates who acquire their retarded status no matter what their way of their education. These are the rioters and their cheerleaders in the media and in the democrat party. THEY THINK THAT THEY ARE IN THE MAJORITY.
    They are FOOLS.

  7. A modern day “Omega Man” or “I Am Legend”......

    seems to be right around the corner.


  8. When people are ill or undernourished they need to be fed a soft diet. AS they progress toward wellness they can handle larger portions and spicier seasonings. The same goes for awakening the intellect

  9. Don't let your head explode, but here is what is coming.


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