
Monday, September 28, 2020

Biden Campaign to Appear Alongside Hanoi Jane

The Biden campaign, which has bombarded President Donald Trump with attacks about his respect for U.S. soldiers, will be campaigning this weekend with Jane Fonda, a celebrity best known for fraternizing with enemy troops during the Vietnam War. 


  1. Can the Democrats get any more tone deaf?

    1. When about 50% of the population will vote for them, it's not that tone deaf. Give it a few more years and she'd be on Mt. Rushmore but for her honkiness.

  2. Speaking for my late father, retire Navy Seabee, Vietnam Vet....FUCK HER!

  3. Fuck those rancid cunts!

    Chutes Magoo

  4. Cindy McCain recently endorsed Joe. Imagine the irony if she makes an appearance alongside Jane?

  5. Yeah, that's going to really help she is older (82) than he is. When that BITCH DIES she needs to be buried at the site of the Antiaircraft gun she parked her ass on when she went to Vietnam.

    1. With the barrel rammed up her fossilized ass.

    2. However I will not be able to afford the plane ticket to be able to piss and dump on her grave. Along with a lot of other vietnam vets.

  6. A yelling room? Those used to be padded and locked from the outside.

  7. Not sure which one I dislike the most but I do think that this will cost Biden votes, not gain him any.

  8. "When that BITCH DIES she needs to be buried at the site of the Antiaircraft gun she parked her ass on when she went to Vietnam. "

    Oh hell no! That would make it much harder for Vietnam Veterans to pee on her grave!

    1. Yeh, I keep waiting for the news so I can saddle up on a cross country run to stand in line with my fellow Vietnam era vets for the privilege.


  9. I am a Christian, but I am afraid that I have never been able to forgive Hanoi Jane for her traitorous behavior in Vietnam. Yet she is allowed to return to America and use the freedom that our men and women in the military gave their lives to give to people like her. As for Cindy McCain, any Republican who supports a Democrat, and one as far left and as far out of it as Joe Biden, should never be accepted back into the Republican camp. They have made their choice, let them live with it.


    1. Pigpen, has she asked for forgiveness? If so, do you think it was sincere? We're not supposed to pass out forgiveness like potato chips - only when it is sincerely requested, and the action regretted. It's not a 'get out of jail free' card.

      If she hasn't requested forgiveness, and shown regret/atonement - you actually shouldn't forgive her. Judge her as you will.


    2. Just read the article. She does not regret the trip, she does regret the photo. Also sounds like she is trying to re-write the story around the trip. Forgiveness is up to you - she isn't asking for any.


    3. As a Cold War Veteran (Vietnam Era), I would pay for the privilege of pissing on her grave.

    4. "never be accepted back into the Republican camp. They have made their choice, let them live with it."

      They don't intend to come back. They're pretty sure that the future Republican camp will only be reached by boxcar and will feature very short stays.

  10. Hanoi Jane knows that when she dies she'll have to be buried in an unmarked grave, else cremated and have her ashes spread in a secret location. I didn't go to Vietnam, but my plan is this: If she IS buried in a known grave, I will build a platform above her grave so that Vietnam vets can piss on her grave without getting their shoes soiled by the urine-swamp that will quickly develop around her grave. Also, I will provide free water for all vets who are standing in line waiting their chance to pee on her grave, just so they'll have more to pee with.

    Rusty W

    1. I have an idea. If I'm not fonda jane were left to die on her own accord and then some asshole commies decided to hide her grave...everyone of who would spend the money and time and emotion to travel to some place where you think she might be buried, just to piss on her grave...that could be considered a little foolish.

      Why not take her now living, strap on one of those musloid blow-up vests on her. Then take a helicopter ride, then kick her commie ass out and detonate her vest...all on video, maybe like on three cameras covering where every chunk of body parts went to...every Vietnam vet would have first chance to have the three DVD set for $76.95 for the full set and you would have the memories forever. Not just the passing wizz.

      Just think, if Fonda was blown up over Chesapeake Bay the fishermen could claim that some of Fonda's DNA was in this weeks flounder. With a special price of $59.95 a pound

  11. I was to young for vietnam but I assure you I would get in the back of the line out of respect for you.


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