
Tuesday, September 22, 2020

Break up Nashville Now

2020 has been one hell of a year for Nashville. It started with a tornado, then the coronavirus, then mayor John Cooper and his insane lock down of the city, the 34% tax hike he and the metro council rammed through, and now he is single handedly trying to destroy the downtown Nashville tourist economy. 

The only good news is, the murder hornets never made it to Nashville. 

Nashville’s Metro Government is out of control. Not only is Cooper destroying businesses and livelihoods for no good reason, but now he’s throwing a temper tantrum when some of the citizens of Nashville want to repeal his obscene tax hike. Cooper’s reaction to the attempt to repeal the tax has been to say that he would slash police and fire and education. 


  1. Of course that what he is going slash ... do you think he would slash one of his pet pork projects? My local town did the same damn thing in ramming through a tax hike. They said it would go 100% to police and streets. The first thing the city council did after it passed was removed the police department from the regular budget so that 100% of their funding is from the new tax (freeing up the regular budget for their pork).

    There's only four things that regular voters/taxpayers want from their local government: schools, fire, police, and streets. Any threat to the elected officials gravy train is going to get them to threaten one of those four things.

  2. Lots of good people in Nashville suffer and will continue to do so. They had their chance to elect Dr. Carol Swain but, again, chose poorly. At least Greg Fischer here in Louisville can say "Hey, I'm not John Cooper." regards, Alemaster

  3. Why izzit that during a budget crisis, those three are always the first ones to get the ax?

  4. Dear Jordan, I think you're missing the point. Why take Nashville apart for the malfeasance of the mayor and council? Collective punishment on the City (read citizens) is wrong an many levels. Why not fire the politicians responsible for this debacle? Oh, that's right, they're Democrats. My bad!


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