
Tuesday, September 15, 2020

Commentary: When Wish Replaces Thought

Don’t you just love Paul Krugman? One of loudest of the many anti-Trump hysterics employed by the New York Times, the former economist has been a reliable source of comedy at least since election night 2016. Once the worst was certain and the world learned that Donald Trump had indeed been elected president of the United States, Krugman pondered the markets, which had plunged overnight. “When might we expect them to recover?” he asked. “A first-pass answer is never . . . So we are very probably looking at a global recession, with no end in sight.”

What a card! I think we all deserve a Nobel Prize in economics. If Krugman can snag one, why not Stanley down at the bar? He says a lot of stupid things, too.

Krugman never disappoints. On Thursday, September 3, he published an opinion piece in the Times called “Trump and the Attack of the Invisible Anarchists.” The burden of the piece was twofold. On the one hand, having picked up that week’s propaganda memo from Democratic National Committee headquarters, he parroted the new talking point about the riots ripping (Democratic) cites apart.


  1. krugchild is so full of "LITTLE MAN SYNDROME" he cant talk, think or act straight. Like a normal human. JUSTA little TURD.

    1. Separated at birth from the equally insufferable and dwarf-like Robert B. Reich.

    2. Hard to tell their BS apart. I have a cousin, who is a Bernie Sanders nutjob. She would tell me how great the things both of these assholes spewed, and I tried to get her to read articles that explained facts, that showed just how far off they are. Of course, we know just how leftist/socialists care about facts. I had to put her in my do not read list, on FB, because for a college educated person, she is an idiot.


  2. Kenny, nice grabs from the Tennessee Star. Every state should be represented by a branch of this news organization.

    Ersatz Naugahyde

  3. Ah, Paullie "The Beard" Krugman! Never his own mind. Got an F in understanding himself.

  4. I'm glad he cleared up for me how those right wing extremists are the ones causing the rioting and unemployment and, and cooties and stuff. Every day on facebook I still see my lefty relatives spewing their insane giberish about how the right is destroying America. I cant think of a single one who has changed their mind. They are all willing for you to die for their beliefs.

  5. After krugmans opinion, I preferred listening to Maria Bartiromos advice. She said buy the crap out of everything on your wish list. Those who could are laughing all the way to the bank.


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