
Wednesday, September 02, 2020

Dogs are gonna be dogs, right?

LIBERTY, Miss. (AP) — A curious dog got hold of a fiber optic cable that ran between county buildings in Mississippi, chewing it to pieces and costing county officials thousands of dollars in an attempt to get it fixed.

The cable connected a courthouse and a nearby Justice Court building in Amite County, Tim Wroten, the county’s sheriff, told the Enterprise-Journal Wednesday. The wire was mostly elevated but dipped to the ground by the front door of the Justice Court building, where the dog chewed it.


  1. Frigging idiots. That's why you put cable in BX or armored conduit. Honestly, who doesn't know that? If not dogs, some other furry critter would do the deed, only a matter of time.

  2. If the dog didn't do it some tweaker would have for sure thinking it was copper. Now they want to charge the dog's owner when their own incompetence left it sagging down

  3. Amite County? That's Jerry Clower country. Put Marcel on the case!

  4. They spent $4,000 and couldn't get a simple wireless system to work?

    Aren't there any smart people left in Mississippi?

  5. The "light" version, high in fibre, low in animal parts, no msg, no glutens. Way to go. Good Dog.

  6. Ummm, how 'bout YOU dipshits take steps to protect YOUR critical infrastructure like every other municipality in the country does.


  7. I agree, that one is on the installers, should have been in conduit or inner duct
    Any Communications/Data person knows that

  8. Had they hired a professional in the first place that never would have happened. . . idiots.

  9. Probably hired someone's nephew to do the job but there weren't any competent nephews around.

  10. How in the world can that be up to "code"?

  11. That dog is a goner. Fiber optics is glass.


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