
Friday, September 18, 2020

Douglas Murray - 'America has All The Bases Set For A Civil War'

‘America has all the bases set for civil war,’ says author Douglas Murray. Those radicals seeking to destroy the U.S. from within should be careful what they wish for: if they think the Anglo-American hegemony was bad, they’re going to have a ‘hell of a time’ when they discover what the Chinese hegemony looks like. 


  1. That's funny, I was just watching this interview with Murray on UK television on the same topic. It came out 2 weeks ago. 1 hr, 9 minutes.

  2. The Chinese cannot be guilt-tripped and will not be controlled by claims of victimhood. What worked on the West will not work on Chinamen.

    Further, the Chinese are not even interested in having another group bend the knee. Extermination is their preference. And there are very few groups that can pull off the game of being "your fellow Chinamen."

    China will be a tougher nut to crack (infiltrate and take over) for the globalists than the West. So while there are lots of problems with China and especially the Chicom regime, remember that war with China would also serve the interests of the Globalists. If we go to war with them, it should for US interests, not those of transnational cosmopolitans.


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