
Monday, September 07, 2020

Hey, even homeless people need love

STOCKTON (CBS13) – A Stockton woman is speaking out after she found a couple, believed to be homeless, engaged in a sex act in the front yard of her neighbor’s home. She says the surprising encounter makes it clear more needs to be done to address the homeless crisis.

Chealsey Allmon-Encinas was walking outside when she said she suddenly saw two people believed to be homeless having sex in her neighbors front yard. She said she couldn’t believe it and told them to stop and leave.


  1. Someone needs a motion activated sprinkler system.....

  2. Well maybe KAREN if you're not part of the solution, you're part of the problem.

    Next time, let them use your bedroom for a hour or so if you think something needs to be done about it. Charity begins at home! Next problem, please.

    1. Then after they have torn your bedroom apart, make them a sammich before they leave with most of your silver.

  3. Were they practicing safe sex? The Liberals want to know.

  4. We lived on a busy street corner for twenty years. I saw that at the bus stop across the street, in the middle of the day. We had someone take a huge shit between our house and the neighbors house. Weekly, we had someone pissing in our bushes after the bars closed. Often we had someone entering the back yard trying to get into the garage, and prowling the cars. I never caught them, just saw their butts running away. This wasn't in a big metropolis either. Glad to be gone from there.

    1. You should string out some electric fence wire.

  5. Just waiting for the homeless to start being called "victims".


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