
Tuesday, September 01, 2020

It's okay, son - you can touch her


  1. I dunno, man. With the #me too & women easily offended at the drop of a hat, he probably should have clasped his hands in front of him instead of that dorky 'hover hand'. She, of course, can get away with putting her hand behind him. That's just how it is nowadays, keep your hands to yourself and ya get to keep all that $$ that you'd pay to the lawyers & the courts & 'the victim'.

  2. Keanu Reeves does the same in all his pics with fans. He doesn't want to be accused of anything, so he makes sure in all pics he's rather ostentatiously not touching them.

  3. From about fifty years old and until I retired I would not be alone in my office with a women with the door closed, period. My office manager did not need to be told. If a woman needed to talk to me about any issues privately my office manager would bring the female to my office and she would sit down with pad an pencil. I had several say they needed to talk privately and I would inform them my office managers presence was required. I always interviewed with two of my staff and always one was a female. I had one women irate that she was not hired and went to the Director of a 3000 plus employee organization and complained that I was sexist and that she was treated disrespectfully. She had arrived at my office in near a mini skirt with tits hanging out. The first thing she said was, I did not expect to be interviewed by a team. This woman was a Licensed Clinical Social Worker. At a later date my team was interviewed in regard to her complaint and the charges were dropped immediately. She was fired from a position she already held within the agency. Had I not been wise this woman would have destroyed my career and my reputation. What I think is she wanted to have me fired and in atonement she be given my position as director. Done't trust them. If they don't get what they want they will fuck you over any way they can. I've seen it too many times. At the time, I was a single man and ripe for pickings. Of course society would have seen me as just another sleazy man that was drooling and wanted this woman in my bed. Of course men are scum and the lil woman never lies. It's especially convincing if they preform the required tears bullshit. Ya know the great thing about retirement? Never would I have used the language I've used to convey this message. Today, fuck em all. I'm free.

    1. Yet people made fun of Mike Pence for not being alone with a woman other than his wife. I say, he is a very smart man. Just the whiff of a scandal can sink a guy now days.


    2. "Just the whiff of a scandal can sink a guy now days."

      Well, you normies and Reichwingers, sure....damn it feels good to be a gangsta!
      - Gropin' Joe Biden

  4. Is it any wonder why so many men fly solo or flip gay these days?

    Women are not worth the hassle unless you have had years to know them inside and out and share mutual interests; even then, keep your assets hidden. Unless it's at a church with witnesses all around or a family gathering, I do what I can to avoid all contact as well.

    Rape doesn't hold a candle to being accused of rape.



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