
Monday, September 07, 2020

Kyle Rittenhouse Lawyers Release Statement of Kyle’s Actions on 25 August, 2020

U.S.A. –-( As the news and video of Kyle Rittenhouse defending himself with a Smith and Wesson AR15 rifle against several attackers circulated on the Internet, numerous attempts were made to start donations for people to contribute to his legal defense. Both Gofundme, Fundly, and other accounts were started, only to be taken down by corporate owners almost immediately. Accounts used to fund bail for Antifa and BLM were left up.

Well-known tort lawyer Lin Woods and prominent criminal attorney Pierce Bainbridge stepped up and said they would represent Kyle and family pro-bono, without charge. Numerous other lawyers also agreed to help.


  1. Hey Kenny;

    Lin Woods Farcebook account got closed permanently and anything that supports Kyle gets yanked by the farcebook censors. I had shared his Lawyers statement on mine and it was "gone" *Poofed* like it never existed and the people that shared it, it was also gone from theirs.

    1. I foresee Lynn wood bringing suit upon Facebook after this is over

  2. So with all of these social media sites actively suppressing all positive facts or evidence on one side of a criminal/legal investigation while actively promoting the opposite side aren't they all guilty of interference of legal proceedings? Or at least meddling with potential jury pools? They should also be sued for violating their own terms of service that they're using as an excuse because they are obviously allowing violent and abusive content by the Left. And allowing money to be raised for convicted criminals who were all killed or wounded during the commission of violent crimes. And they're even allowing Leftist users to dox, threaten and harass not only the victims but the victims' legal teams and supporters. "Public platorms" and "private companies" my ass. They shouldn't be allowed to get away with this illegal behavior any longer.

  3. We need to stop censorship at all levels. It doesn't fit into our democracy. What we desperately need is a new "fairness doctrine" that covers all media including broadcast, cable, and social.

    1. The USA is a representative republic, not a democracy.

      And I do not trust the government to fix this.

      The market can.

    2. the market has. (me)

    3. "The USA is a representative republic, not a democracy."

      Well, it was founded that way, but it hasn't functioned that way in a very long time.

  4. So who in the AO are whacking the DA ?

  5. It is my belief and my hope that this young man comes through this ordeal safely and stronger for it. In my prayers.

  6. Nice to know a precedent exists now so any business owner that doesn't like something about you can refuse to serve you.

  7. Be careful what you wish for. The "fairness" during the Obama administration was aimed squarely at conservative talk radio.


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