
Thursday, September 03, 2020

Oregon Sheriffs Reject Governor's Call For Help In Portland

Oregon sheriffs have rejected a request by Gov. Kate Brown to send personnel and resources to help “keep the peace and protect free speech” in Portland. It’s not that the sheriffs don’t want to help keep the peace. It’s just that they don’t believe Portland is serious about accomplishing this.

Clackamas County Sheriff Craig Roberts said, through a spokesperson, that in Portland “it’s about changing policy, not adding resources.” Truer words have seldom been spoken.

Roberts explained:


  1. Almost unbelievable that the governor would (dare I day it?) have the balls to ask other people to do what she will not do. But, she is a Democrat. By sending in other forces, she certainly would have room for blaming somebody else for whatever happened.

    1. She wanted more targets for the antifa people to throw shit at.

  2. But but but but but, don't forget to continue voting for the democrats.

  3. More cops hampered by the same ROI won't do jack. Just open more officer up to either getting injured or crucified if they dare to defend themselves.

    1. Yeah, but you taxpayers get to foot the bill for medical care, lawsuits, and disability pensions, so it's not like anybody important suffers.
      - Gov. Kate Brown

  4. “keep the peace and protect free speech”.... I suspect this means she wants to stop anyone interfering with the looters and rioters. IF they take her up on this I hope they find cause to arrest and haul her out of town in irons and chains.

  5. Are the State Police not up to the job she is asking the Sheriffs to do? Besides, what legal quagmire exists in pulling a Sheriff from another county? Sheriff has jurisdiction only in their county.

    1. The OSP already left the city once before after they back-filled for the Feds. They took the same position the other agencies have, does not work if your commie DAs won't prosecute.
      And just recently, the Vancouver police and Clark County Sheriff refused the invitation.
      There are definitely legal issues, but these agencies operate under "mutual-aide agreements" that allow cross border use under supposedly limited situations,

    2. But the mutual aid agreements are between counties, correct? Therefore the agreements may not apply when contracted with the state. As Sheriff I would tell the state to go to hell. Sheriff has more powers than a Governor, per the U.S. Constitution.

  6. The cities have more than enough police to squash the riots. The city leaders just wont let them. It's a policy problem from a deliberate choice, not a resource problem.


  7. The commie bitch was actually surprised when they told her where to shove her dictat. Clackamas and Washington Counties stopped sending deputies last year, to prevent physical and legal harm to the deputies.

  8. Let the residents beg, that's right BEG, for help from Trump. Once they have recalled the mayor and the governor, then send in the 1st MarDiv with a simultaneous air and waterborne assault, after blocking all exits to the city with tanks.

    Then let's see who cries uncle first.

    If the rioters looters and arsonist had been met with exploding heads or fist size holes in torso's on the very first night in Milwaukee, none of this would be happening now.

    I feel bad for some of the residents in these cities. But let no one forget that they voted for this kind of representation. There's a thing one always has to remember about making your bed. You have to sleep in the thing at some point.

    I hope this shit never comes to where I'm at.


    1. On the other hand, probably slightly less than half the residents DIDN'T vote for that kind of representation. Do they deserve it? Could be if they'd taken the elections more seriously, then the commies would not have been put in office?

  9. Bitch better get an attitude adjustment toward those rioters while she still has a state.

  10. Speaking of Portland, there's a good video here:

  11. We operate a small organic teaching farm near the outskirts of Eugene Oregon.

    Everybody we know call the Oregon governess 'Moonbeam' Brown after the goofy policies of namesake California governor Edmund 'Moonbeam' Brown.

    Their speech-patterns are so similar, for the longest time, I thought the two 'Moonbeam' Browns were siblings.
    According to Lane County deputies, Sheriff Cliff Harrod responded to Moonbeam's frantic request with:
    "Not. My. Job."

    Oh, and Moonbeam was not elected.
    Nobody voted her in office as Oregon governess.
    But that is a story for another time...

  12. This is the same governess who ordered the hit on LaVoy Finicum.


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