
Tuesday, September 29, 2020

Put An End To Police Raids

Dean Weingarten rehearses some additional information on the Breonna Taylor raid in Kentucky. 

Many questions remain to be cleared up, and it’s certainly the case that she wasn’t a pillar of the community. 

Questions are raised as to whether this was an announced raid, or a so-called no-knock raid, how long the cops banged on the door, who shot whom, where she was when she was killed, etc., etc. 

Somebody (or somebodies) are lying, maybe everyone. I encourage you to read this additional information. 

However, some very important points remain, and we may insist on one very important observation. MORE


  1. The cops come to your house at 5 in the morning, whisper, "police" outside, then break down the door before you can open it even if you knew they were there. You think they wont do it to YOU. Guess again, Mr Wrong Address

    1. Enh, firebombing homes is always easier.
      - Philadelphia Police & FBI

  2. Breonna was scum. So are the no-knock cops. There are no good guys in the story, just bad guys.

  3. If you don't play with fire how often will you get burned?

    1. It only takes once.
      - Zombie Jose Guerena, Zombie Andrew Finch

  4. The article and its comments avoid the 'elephant in the kitchen'.

    The problem is the 'laws' requiring / prohibiting everything.
    TheGovernmentAgents merely see those 'laws' as an easy short-term path to income and the carrot of retirement.

    The truth -- every city, county, and national GovernmentAgent is ethically and financially bankrupt.
    They rely on the Ponzi Scheme of increasing taxes and other confiscation to provide the easy life.
    They exist only to service immoral 'laws'.

    In the long-term, 'laws' are always proven to be unnecessary.
    Individuals do or do not depending on individual motivations.
    Sharpening a pencil to scribble another 'law' may make the author feel better short-term, but always contributes to the long-term decline of that community by prohibiting reasonable rational folks from dealing with the problem at the source.

    Without LawEnforcementOfficials to protect them, goofballs would be swinging from every lamppost.


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