
Thursday, September 24, 2020

Supreme Court front-runner hailed by right, feared by left

A front-runner to fill the Supreme Court seat vacated by the death of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg is a federal appellate judge who has established herself as a reliable conservative on hot-button legal issues from abortion to gun control. 

Amy Coney Barrett, a devout Catholic, is hailed by religious conservatives and others on the right as an ideological heir to conservative icon Antonin Scalia, the late Supreme Court justice for whom she clerked. MORE


  1. It's very suspicious how Coney-Barrett (ugh, fucking 2 last names) is being hailed as the probable nominee despite not being named as such. Every media teleprompter reader and many radio show pundits are already on board with it as well. Barbara Lagoa isn't getting any attention and I wonder why?

    1. Welp. It seems that old Amy is an immigration activist. And that would perfectly fit the globohomo cause.

    2. Very suspicious indeed. On the Administration side, either it's misdirection by Trump's people, using ACB to draw fire while they spring Lagoa as a last-minute surprise, or they really truly do want to push Barrett through thinking they can score points with the right-to-lifers, the Establishment Republicans, and the "let's adopt children from Haiti" crowd. I doubt Trump will ever be supported by the Establishment Right (and fuck those people anyway) and it's a waste of time trying to win them over.

      As to the press and the Left (but I repeat myself), they want to talk about Barrett to scare people. "She'll overturn Roe v. Wade!" They are terrified of having to try and block Lagoa, a "woman of color" and child of immigrants.

    3. San Fran Chronicle yesterday ran a story where Trump stated Lagoa was on his short list but he wouldn't be talking with her. Stealth strategy? Bait and switch? Beats me...

  2. Let's just pray Killary doesn't have her 'pillowed' also.

  3. If Ms Barrett is anything like the last two picks and the Chief Justice, we won't be able to rely on her supposed conservative creds when it comes to crunch time. I hope I'm wrong, especially when it comes to Roe v Wade. To think that the opinion in Roe v Wade was written by supposed scholars of the law is an insult to every judge worthy on the title.

    I don't care what anyone else thinks about abortion, I'm against it. Abortion is NOT a Constitutional right as codified in Roe v Wade. There is no mention of abortion in the Constitution and there is no way to codify it as a "right" based on any other language contained in it.

    If you don't want babies, either use some form of birth control or don't fuck. it's that simple. Killing babies by abortion is not birth control.


    1. If I recall, there were 370,000 black babies aborted in 2019. Blacks can't get their heads around "either use some form of birth control or don't fuck."

      If you like the idea of having almost a half a million black babies born every year, then get rid of Roe V Wade. But don't ever think I am going to pay for them.

    2. Here are some data from a 2013 paper.
      (Am J Public Health. 2013 October; 103(10): 1772–1779.)

      "In 2008, the abortion rate for non-Hispanic White women was 12 abortions per 1000 reproductive-age women, compared with 29 per 1000 for Hispanic women, and 40 per 1000 for non-Hispanic Black women."

      Current rates/disparities are similar.

  4. Maybe they should look at her rulings, instead of her "religious dogma" accusation, to see how she'd handle things.
    It would also be very funny if Trump put up someone else entirely after they spend the week prattleing off about her. Trump "I respect her very much, she would make an excellent choice. But I'm not going to wreck her life by you jackals. Here's my nominee."

    1. Her rulings look like that RINO Roberts

  5. Pro-Trump site Big League Politics ran an article 9/22/20 about Judge Comey Barrett deciding in favor of the Covid lockdowns in Illinois:
    This decision was handed down 9/3/20. Being as she was one of the top picks, why are we hearing about this now, on the eve of Pres Trump announcing his choice?

  6. because Trump said he was going to appoint her to Ginzburgs seat when he appointed Gorsuch. it has been known for a long time

  7. WDS.....

    She got too many dem votes (a total of 80 votes) when she was put up the last time.
    Some are afraid she can swing, we have one of those already.

    De Oppresso Liber

  8. Lagoa? cause i'd b another "Liberal". regards, Skynet

    1. Lagoa is about as conservative as you can get a Justice, anywhere. She is Cuban Anti Commie big time.

      ACB loves her some big corporations too.

  9. Talk is cheap. There ought to be a 4 year probation period for all new justices, where the president-whether in office or not-has the right to pink slip them for any reason. Just like they supposedly can be impeached, but that has not happened in modern times. Lifetime tenure for judges is not the way to go.


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