
Tuesday, September 15, 2020

UCLA, Stanford Study Finds For Average 50-64 Year Old, Chances Of Dying From COVID-19 Are 1 In 19.1M

A new study from medical researchers at UCLA and Stanford University found the chances of contracting or dying from coronavirus are much lower than previously thought.

One America’s Pearson Sharp has the details.


  1. Like the common cold, that um, is what *most* corona-type viruses are anyway (the common cold is caused, normally, by two or three different viruses, the corona being one of the less common).
    I just *hate* to say "I told ya so" {truth edit} I LOVE to say "I told you so {end truth edit}, but I did say, back in early March before the "lockdown" started (for two weeks, remember?) this was going to be a "nothing burger with light sauce." Good thing that 300+ million Americans went totally nuts and *believed* what the politicians told us.
    And when Biden steals the election via massive fraud, the III is going to rise up and start killing people with the support of most of the general populace? yea, right. Harris will wave her magic black vagina wand, declare the violence to be the work of "middle-aged white supremacists" with the full support and aid of the media and that will be the end of that.
    Hum... that went for 0 to rant pretty quick.
    Sorry, Wirecutter. This is your blog after all.
    -Just A Chemist

  2. Kind of do a web search and most of the hits for this study on independent or conservative leaning sites only....wonder why the mainstream entertainment formerly news media not carrying this....hmmmm...gonna have to study on this phenomena.

  3. So I have a better chance of winning Powerball than catching the rona.

  4. Noone will read or care about the study. The whole mask thing has hit religious proportions. Every time I exhale and see my glasses fog up b/c of the mask, I see this stream of air blowing up and dispersing.

  5. This needs to get posted, re-posted, shared, or whatever other methods are available to let those of us with operating synapses see how badly we've been screwed. I said it at the beginning and continue to say it to anyone unfortunate enough to get into a conversation with me: this will go down in history as the greatest con job ever foisted upon mankind.

  6. Um....that's not what that study says. That number is pretty much vapor. Read the paper itself.

  7. So now that the Chinese virologist has come forward with proof 1) The virus was manufactured by the Red Chinese, and 2) That they released it intentionally. It brings to question a motive. My best guess is the Chinese want to rid themselves of Trump, so in order to bar his re-election they decided to royally screw up the economy by starting a pandemic. Keep in mind Dr. Fauci is a huge fan of Hitliary Clit-on, so maybe his "advice" to Pres Trump was likewise tainted. Call me a conspiracy theorist, but was this an act of war on behalf of the Chinese?


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