
Thursday, September 10, 2020

We are trained for the wrong fight

Our training up to know has been CCW as related to violent crime inflicted upon us or our loved ones.  We never trained for organized mobs with legal  (upfront or tacit) government support.

Antifa/BLM can start fires, loot the a local mom & pop business ruining decades of labor, attack anybody who opposes them and at most they spend a few hours in jail, bail posted by celebrities and released by and accomplice judiciary. If we act in counterpoint, we not only are not afforded the same legal benefits, but the book is thrown deep and heavy our way. In almost any other state of the Union, Kyle Rittenhouse would be, at worse, under house arrest and under ankle bracelet till final determination is done.  But Wisconsin, even with the unsurmountable piles of evidence pointing out to a case of self-defense, decided to treat Kyle as a mass murderer. It is so unbalanced and so dangerous that even a Illinois judge put a 30 day delay on the extradition  process.


  1. The marxists have taken over the just-us system and are a huge part of the problem. Purging marxist judges and government attorneys will be included in our responsibilities.

  2. Options like a suppressed .22LR from inside a van a few blocks away should be added to training and preps.

    1. Exactly! One shot, shoot and scoot.


    2. Easier said than done. Antifa has really good perimeter security, extending out quite a distance from their current action area. You might get a shot or two off, but you'd be quickly spotted and attacked.

      By way of example, during the local riot here in Soviet Monica, a lot of police reinforcements were sent in down my street. Every single time, they were followed by 1-2 cars full of "protestors" who were clearly on radios/cell phones giving updates on their position and numbers. Other vehicles were orbiting through streets giving info on what roads were open for more "protestors" to be brought in, where unprotected businesses could be hit, etc.

      It was actually fairly impressive to see in action.

  3. Kenny they are waiting on the silent majority because they are to stupid to understand what, "be careful what you ask for" means , and they are the useful idiots spoken about throughout millennia in history who will be discarded so there is no competition to TPTB. Me, just sitting here minding my own business as usual.

  4. Ohhhhhhh, so they made an example out of Saint Kyle because he stopped. So soon, very soon I expect that someone somewhere is going to realize that the rule of law clearly no longer applies. And since the rule of law no longer applies, then that means the rule of war now applies. (i.e. THERE AIN'T NO RULES). A man, backed into a corner, well he just spits on his hands, raise the black flag and starts slitting throats, and doesn't stop.

    Hell of a lesson that the government is imparting. There really is no other possibility but that they want a shooting war.

  5. I read SG all the time, and Michael Bane often, and I like and respect both very highly.

    The problem of how to survive mob attacks maybe is to not target the human brain by aiming at body trunk, but instead target the lizard brain by aiming at the pelvis and nards.

    Once the mob realizes what you’re hitting is their fun tool, they can’t, won’t react the same way – they will stop thinking with their training.

    It will be – lizard brain thinks – sh*t, I don’t want that to be me.

    1. It's a smaller target. Aim small, miss small.

    2. Ever wonder how many crotches a .30cal ball round would go through when fired from a kneeling position?

  6. no one ever trains for the fight they end up in. focus on basics, keep flexible and ready to improvise. that's all you can really do.

  7. I know that this will raise a few eyebrows, but I wrote the check yesterday for the mandatory firearm training course for a Massachusetts Firearms Permit, I'm going for concealed carry, we'll see if I get it. I will then have to purchase a firearm. I currently do not own one of any type.
    Years, decades ago, I did have a permit and guns. But the last one was destroyed in the house fire (a black powder pistol, non-functional). As a kid I did the Boy Scouts firearms training, the ROTC training, the shooting trips with friends to NH. But every gun friend I had moved out of Massachusetts long ago. I worked in Boston, my major customers were banks and hospitals with strict no-gun policies and my company forbade carrying guns during working hours.

    I was lucky, I never had a major problem. Being retired, I don't go into Boston at all anymore.

    But the stories on the News shock me. In my seventies I doubt my ability to muscle through any threats that come to me and at me. I have a girlfriend to protect and I've never expected the police to protect me.

    It's probably, a day late and a dollar short, but what I can do, I'll do.

    1. John,
      Greetings from a former MASS-hole ... I used to live just south of Nashua, off Route 3. Your ability to get an unrestricted LTC-A depends largely upon (1) where you live and (2) who you know. You should also get active on Northeast Shooters' Forum. Lots of good resources there.
      Smart that you don't go into Boston. I tried to avoid it whenever possible.
      You may be late to this party, but you'll get caught up. When you do, never get behind the 8-ball again.
      Good luck ..


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